فاكهة الخلفاء و مفاكهة الظرفاء

Fākihat al-Khulafāʾ wa-Mufākahat al-Ẓurafāʾ
فاكهة الخلفاء و مفاكهة الظرفاء
Alternative title
Ibn ʿArabshāh, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allāh
Author birth
Author death
Author place of death
Physical description
Folios 150; Number of lines per page 29; Leaf height 210 mm; Leaf width 150 mm
صفحات 150; عدد السطور في الصفحة 29; طول الصفحة 210 ملم; عرض الصفحة 150 ملم
- Volume
- Lines
- Dimensions
Leaf height 210 mm; Leaf width 150 mm
- Text Area
170x95 mm
- Number of folios
- Binding
European brown cardboard with golden frame (in vegetal shape)
Manuscript description
Not extensive use of the margins: few commentary notes and corrections. The topics discussed in the main text are highlighted in the margins. Several notes are no longer readable because the papers are trimmed. There are several ownership statements and reading notes written on the first (unnumbered) folio which most probably is not a part from the original manuscript as there is a note on it says that this a good collection of works (majmūʿ laṭīf): Reading note of Jamāl al-Dīn al-Qādirī, reading note of Aḥmad al-Jawaharī, ownership note of Muḥammad b. al-Ḥāj Walī al-Dīn al-Muwaqqiʿ, ownership note of Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Ḥalabī? Al-Harīrī?. The folio f.1a has: a poetry of Muḥammad Fatḥallah b. Maḥmūd al-Bīlūnī al-Ḥalabī which he wrote down himself on the manuscript. The first flyleaf has the date: 22 Jan. 1876 written on it in French.
- Ownership Statement
ownership statement of Ḥusayn al-Kutubī f.1a; Bibliotheca Regia stamp (f.1a)
- Colophon
(10?) Shaʿbān 1030 AH (f.150a)
- Completeness
- Catchwords
Consistent use of catchwords (but they are rather sometimes written too close to the original text, and in others at the edges of the papers)
- Script
- Style
Naskh script
- Ink
Black ink (Titles and keywords are extensively rubricated in red. Also, red dots or inverted commas around poetry hemistiches and to denote rhyming). The first couple of folios are rubricated with gold ink.
- Writing material
- Material
European watermarked Papers
- Color
- Bibliographic Info
Open ITI
Collection and Call number
National Library of France (BNF) ( Bibliothèque nationale de France BNF) - Arabe 3537
- Location
National Library of France (BNF)
- Current classmark
Arabe 3537
- Alternate Classmark
1224 (Regius)
Ancien fonds arabe 1510
Individual Biography
1621 CE
(؟؟) عشره شهر شعبان سنة ثلاثين و ألف (1030 هجرية)

RDF (34)

rdf:type http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text
dcterms:extent Folios 150; Number of lines per page 29; Leaf height 210 mm; Leaf width 150 mm
dcterms:extent صفحات 150; عدد السطور في الصفحة 29; طول الصفحة 210 ملم; عرض الصفحة 150 ملم
crm:P140_assigned_attribute_to Mohamed
dcterms:creator https://ihodp.ugent.be/bah/viaf-ibn-ʿarabshāh-aḥmad-b.-muḥammad-b.-ʿabd-allāh-
dcterms:date 1621 CE
dcterms:date (؟؟) عشره شهر شعبان سنة ثلاثين و ألف (1030 هجرية)
dcterms:description Not extensive use of the margins: few commentary notes and corrections. The topics discussed in the main text are highlighted in the margins. Several notes are no longer readable because the papers are trimmed. There are several ownership statements and reading notes written on the first (unnumbered) folio which most probably is not a part from the original manuscript as there is a note on it says that this a good collection of works (majmūʿ laṭīf): Reading note of Jamāl al-Dīn al-Qādirī, reading note of Aḥmad al-Jawaharī, ownership note of Muḥammad b. al-Ḥāj Walī al-Dīn al-Muwaqqiʿ, ownership note of Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Ḥalabī? Al-Harīrī?. The folio f.1a has: a poetry of Muḥammad Fatḥallah b. Maḥmūd al-Bīlūnī al-Ḥalabī which he wrote down himself on the manuscript. The first flyleaf has the date: 22 Jan. 1876 written on it in French.
dcterms:description_catchwords Consistent use of catchwords (but they are rather sometimes written too close to the original text, and in others at the edges of the papers)
dcterms:description_colophon (10?) Shaʿbān 1030 AH (f.150a)
dcterms:description_completeness Complete
dcterms:description_ownership ownership statement of Ḥusayn al-Kutubī f.1a; Bibliotheca Regia stamp (f.1a)
dcterms:description_script_ink Black ink (Titles and keywords are extensively rubricated in red. Also, red dots or inverted commas around poetry hemistiches and to denote rhyming). The first couple of folios are rubricated with gold ink.
dcterms:description_scriptstyle Naskh script
dcterms:description_writing_material European watermarked Papers
dcterms:extent_binding European brown cardboard with golden frame (in vegetal shape)
dcterms:extent_dimensions Leaf height 210 mm; Leaf width 150 mm
dcterms:extent_folios 108
dcterms:extent_lines 29
dcterms:extent_textarea 170x95 mm
dcterms:identifier urn:cts:arabLit:0854IbnCarabshah.FakihatKhulafa
dcterms:identifier https://archivesetmanuscrits.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cc31433m
dcterms:isPartOf National Library of France (BNF) ( Bibliothèque nationale de France BNF) - Arabe 3537
dcterms:language Arabic
dcterms:subject http://viaf.org/viaf/81960761
dcterms:title Fākihat al-Khulafāʾ wa-Mufākahat al-Ẓurafāʾ
dcterms:title فاكهة الخلفاء و مفاكهة الظرفاء
dcterms:type Historiography
dcterms:type Individual Biography
http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/physicalLocation National Library of France (BNF)
http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/shelfMark Arabe 3537
http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/sublocation 1224 (Regius)
http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/sublocation Ancien fonds arabe 1510
http://schema.org/material manuscript