He was ʾustādh of ʾĀqbirdī al-Qujmāsī. He was a relative of al-Ẓāhir Barqūq and patronized by him. He was the father of ʾĪnāl Bāy b. Qujmās and Qushtamur b. Qujmās.
He was ʾamīr 100 in Egypt.

RDF (3)

rdf:type http://erlangen-crm.org/current/E31_Document
crm:P140_assigned_attribute_to https://ihodp.ugent.be/mpp/actor-metadata-summary-qujmās-al-muḥammadī-al-jarkasī
crm:P3_has_note He was ʾustādh of ʾĀqbirdī al-Qujmāsī. He was a relative of al-Ẓāhir Barqūq and patronized by him. He was the father of ʾĪnāl Bāy b. Qujmās and Qushtamur b. Qujmās. He was ʾamīr 100 in Egypt.