Amir Sayf al-Dīn Jarbāsh b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Karīmī al-Ẓāhirī, the (former) ʾamīr silāḥ, passed away as a baṭṭāl in his house at Suwayqa al-Ṣāhib inside Cairo on Saturday night, 13/01/0861, at a high age. He was so old that he could move with difficulty only. He was buried in his tomb, which he had constructed at al-Ṣaḥrāʾ. He was known as Qāshuq (thus read by Popper).
He was originally a mamluk of al-Ẓāhir Barqūq, who manumitted him before the incident with al-Nāṣirī and Minṭāsh, during his first sultanate, as he himself stated. He then became a silāḥdār during the reign of al-Nāṣir Faraj, then an amir 10 and raʾs nawba. Following, he became an amir 40 during the reign of al-Malik al-Muʾayyad Shaykh, then an amir 100, and then, during the reign of al-Malik al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy, the ḥājib ḥujjāb of the Egyptian domains, after the transfer of amir Jaqmaq al-ʿAlāʾī to the office of amir ʾākhūr kabīr, after Qaṣruwah (thus read by Popper) min Timrāz had moved to the office of nāʾib of Tripoli, when ʾĪnāl al-Nawrūzī had been removed from that post and had come to Cairo as an amir 100. All this took place in 826.
Then al-ʾAshraf moved him to the office of ʾamīr majlis on Monday 15/10/829, instead of amir ʾĪnāl al-Jakamī, who was transferred to the office of ʾamīr silāḥ, following the transfer of ʾatābak Yashbak al-Sāqī al-ʾAʿraj to the office of ʾatābak al-ʿasākir, after the death of ʾatābak Qijiq. Amir Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī was appointed as ḥājib ḥujjāb after Jarbāsh.
Then Jarbāsh was appointed as nāʾib of Tripoli, after the transfer of Qaṣruwah to the office of nāʾib of Aleppo, after the removal of amir Jār Quṭlū, who came to Egypt as an amir 100 and as ʾamīr majlis, instead of the aforementioned Jarbāsh.
Jarbāsh didn’t stay in Tripoli long, as he was removed and replaced by Ṭarabāt al-Ẓāhirī, and came to Cairo in 831 as the ʾamīr majlis, as he had been before. Jār Quṭlū was removed from the office of ʾamīr majlis, and appointed as ʾatābak al-ʿasākir in the Egyptian domains, after the death of ʾatābak Yashbak al-Sāqī al-ʾAʿraj.
Jarbāsh didn’t stay in Cairo long, as he was seized and banished to the harbour of Damietta as a baṭṭāl, where he then stayed for a long time, until al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq summoned him in the begining of his sultanate, and made him the ʾamīr majlis for a third time, instead of amir Yashbak al-Sūdūnī, who was transferred to the office of ʾamīr silāḥ, after the transfer of amir ʾĀqbughā al-Timrāzī to the office of ʾatābak al-ʿasākir in the Egyptian domains, after the rebellion of Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī, who was seized and imprisoned in Alexandria. This took place in 842.
Jarbāsh administered the office of ʾamīr majlis until 853, when he was transferred to the office of ʾamīr silāḥ, after the death of amir Timrāz al-Qirmishī. After Jarbāsh, Tanam min ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Muʾayyadī, who had been removed from the office of nāʾib of Aleppo, was appointed as ʾamīr majlis. Jarbāsh kept that office, until al-Malik al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān took his ʾiqṭāʿ and gave it to amir Qarājā al-Khāzindār al-Ẓāhirī, and transferred his office to amir Tanam.
From that day onwards until he died, Jarbāsh was confined to his home. He was highly regarded during the successive governments, and his days were prolonged in prosperity. He was an amir for over 50 years, including the time that he was out of office (ʿuṭla). He was devoted to the pleasures, in which the souls of men take delight. He was not known for bravery, which is the price rulers pay for seeking the easy life.

RDF (2)

crm:P140_assigned_attribute_to https://ihodp.ugent.be/mpp/informationObject-metadata-summary-9685
crm:P3_has_note 13/01/0861: Amir Sayf al-Dīn Jarbāsh b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Karīmī al-Ẓāhirī, the (former) ʾamīr silāḥ, passed away as a baṭṭāl in his house at Suwayqa al-Ṣāhib inside Cairo on Saturday night, 13/01/0861, at a high age. He was so old that he could move with difficulty only. He was buried in his tomb, which he had constructed at al-Ṣaḥrāʾ. He was known as Qāshuq (thus read by Popper). He was originally a mamluk of al-Ẓāhir Barqūq, who manumitted him before the incident with al-Nāṣirī and Minṭāsh, during his first sultanate, as he himself stated. He then became a silāḥdār during the reign of al-Nāṣir Faraj, then an amir 10 and raʾs nawba. Following, he became an amir 40 during the reign of al-Malik al-Muʾayyad Shaykh, then an amir 100, and then, during the reign of al-Malik al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy, the ḥājib ḥujjāb of the Egyptian domains, after the transfer of amir Jaqmaq al-ʿAlāʾī to the office of amir ʾākhūr kabīr, after Qaṣruwah (thus read by Popper) min Timrāz had moved to the office of nāʾib of Tripoli, when ʾĪnāl al-Nawrūzī had been removed from that post and had come to Cairo as an amir 100. All this took place in 826. Then al-ʾAshraf moved him to the office of ʾamīr majlis on Monday 15/10/829, instead of amir ʾĪnāl al-Jakamī, who was transferred to the office of ʾamīr silāḥ, following the transfer of ʾatābak Yashbak al-Sāqī al-ʾAʿraj to the office of ʾatābak al-ʿasākir, after the death of ʾatābak Qijiq. Amir Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī was appointed as ḥājib ḥujjāb after Jarbāsh. Then Jarbāsh was appointed as nāʾib of Tripoli, after the transfer of Qaṣruwah to the office of nāʾib of Aleppo, after the removal of amir Jār Quṭlū, who came to Egypt as an amir 100 and as ʾamīr majlis, instead of the aforementioned Jarbāsh. Jarbāsh didn’t stay in Tripoli long, as he was removed and replaced by Ṭarabāt al-Ẓāhirī, and came to Cairo in 831 as the ʾamīr majlis, as he had been before. Jār Quṭlū was removed from the office of ʾamīr majlis, and appointed as ʾatābak al-ʿasākir in the Egyptian domains, after the death of ʾatābak Yashbak al-Sāqī al-ʾAʿraj. Jarbāsh didn’t stay in Cairo long, as he was seized and banished to the harbour of Damietta as a baṭṭāl, where he then stayed for a long time, until al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq summoned him in the begining of his sultanate, and made him the ʾamīr majlis for a third time, instead of amir Yashbak al-Sūdūnī, who was transferred to the office of ʾamīr silāḥ, after the transfer of amir ʾĀqbughā al-Timrāzī to the office of ʾatābak al-ʿasākir in the Egyptian domains, after the rebellion of Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī, who was seized and imprisoned in Alexandria. This took place in 842. Jarbāsh administered the office of ʾamīr majlis until 853, when he was transferred to the office of ʾamīr silāḥ, after the death of amir Timrāz al-Qirmishī. After Jarbāsh, Tanam min ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Muʾayyadī, who had been removed from the office of nāʾib of Aleppo, was appointed as ʾamīr majlis. Jarbāsh kept that office, until al-Malik al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān took his ʾiqṭāʿ and gave it to amir Qarājā al-Khāzindār al-Ẓāhirī, and transferred his office to amir Tanam. From that day onwards until he died, Jarbāsh was confined to his home. He was highly regarded during the successive governments, and his days were prolonged in prosperity. He was an amir for over 50 years, including the time that he was out of office (ʿuṭla). He was devoted to the pleasures, in which the souls of men take delight. He was not known for bravery, which is the price rulers pay for seeking the easy life.