al-ʿUmarī, al-Taʿrīf 141, 3-142, 8

141, 3-142, 8
وصية أتابك المجاهدين‏
((وأنت ابن ذلك الأب حقيقة، وولد ذلك الوالد الذي لم تعمل له إلا دماء الأعداء عقيقة؛ وقد عرفت مثله
بثبات الجنان، وصلت بيدك ووصلت إلى مالم يصل إليه رمح ولا قدر عليه سنان، ولم يزاحمك عدو إلا قال له‏:‏ أيها البادي المقاتل كيف تزاحم الحديد، ولاسمي اسمك لجبار إلا قال له‏:‏ (وجاءت سكرة الموت بالحق ذلك ما كنت منه تحيد) [ق 19]؛ وأنت أولى من قام بهذه الوظيفة، وألف قلوب هذه الطائفة التي ما حلم بها الحالم إلا وبات يرعد خيفة، فليأخذ هذا الأمر بزمامه؛ وليعمل الله ولامامه، وليرم في حب البقاء الدائم بنفسه على المنية، ولينادم على معاقرة الدماء زهور سكاكينه الحنية. واطبع منهم زبرا تطاول السيوف بسكاكسنها، وتأخذ بها الأسود في عرينها، وتمتد كأنها امال لما تريد، وترسل كأنها اجال ولهذا هي الى كل عدو اقرب من حبل الوريد؛ واذك منها شعلا اذا دعيت لأحسابها لاتجد الا متحاميا، وارم منهم سهاما اذا دعيت بانسابها الإسماعيلية فقد جاء اسماعيل كان راميا؛ وفرج بهم عن الإسلام كل مضيق، واقلع عن المسلمين من العوانية كل حجر في الطريق؛ وصرف رجالك الميامين، وتصيد بهم فانهم صقور ومناسرهم السكاكين؛ واخطف بهم الأبصار فبأيمانهم كل سكينة كأنها البرق الخاطف، واقطف الرؤوس فإنها ثمرات أينعت لقاطف، واعرف لهم حقهم وضاعف لهم تكريما، وأدم لهم بنا برا عميما، وقدم أهل النفع منهم فقد قدمهم الله ‏‏ (وفضل الله المجاهدين على القاعدين اجرا عظيما)[النساء 90]‏ واعلم أنهم مثل الوحوش فزد في تأنسهم، واشكر اقدامهم فطالما اقتحموا على الملوك وماهابوا يقظة حرسهم، وارفع بعضهم على بعض درجات في نفقات تسافيرهم وقعود مجلسهم، ولاتسو بينهم فما هم سواء (لا يستوي القاعدون من المؤمنين غير أولي الضرر والمجاهدون في سبيل الله باموالهم وانفسهم‏) [النساء: 90]. وأصل هذه الدعوة مازالت تنتقل بالمواريث حتى انتهت إلينا حقوقها، واومضت بنا حيث خلعت هياكلها بجرعاء الحمى بروقها، والله تعالى يوفقه ويرشده، ويطول باعه لما قصرت عنه سواعد الرماح ووصلت اليه يده‏)).‏
instructions (waṣīya) of the ʾatābak al-mujāhidīn : Actually, you are the son of that father, and you are the son of that father for whom you donʾt do anything but making a stream? of the blood of the enemies. Like him, you are known for the firmness of your heart. You attacked with your hand and you got at what no arrow could get at and no spearhead could be master of. And no enemy competed with you unless he said to him : O visible? fighter, how are you going to compete with iron, and your name was not nominated to an oppressor? unless he said to him : koran 19. You are the most suitable of those who executed this office and who formed the hearts of this group on which no dreamer meditated unless when he started trembling with fear. He has to take this matter in his hands/under his direction ! He has to work for God and for his ʾimām, he has to throw himself out of love for the lasting eternity on destiny/death and out of addiction to bloodshed, he has to drink the blossoms of his curved knifes. Leave your mark against them on pieces of iron, the knifes of which you can lengthen the swords with and of which you can take the black on its thicket, and you can grow as if it were expectations whenever you want, and you can be send away as if it were delays. And therefore they are nearer to any enemy than the jugelar vein. Kindle against them flames. When they are called for their quantities?, you only have to find a shelter. Throw lances against them. When they are called by their ismāʿīlī-descents, then it already has come out that Ismāʿīl was a thrower. Drive away with them every tightness on Islām, and exterminate for the muslims every rock of troubles that is lying on the road. Dispatch your blessed men and hunt for prey with them, because they are hawks and their beaks are the knifes. Dazzle the eyes with them and in their right hands every knife becomes like a sudden lightning. Pick the heads because they are the fruits that have ripened for picking. Concede their right to them and multiply the bestowing of honors on them. Make permanent in them a general reverence for us. Give precedence to the people of benefit among them, because God has already given them precedence : Koran, an-Nisāʾ 95. (142) Know that they are like the wild animals so intensify their taming and be grateful for their fearlessness, the more when they attack the kings and donʾt fear the watchfullness of their guards. Promote some of them some ranks in the amounts they receive for their expeditions and in the sitting in their council/majlis, and donʾt treat them as equals, for they are not equal : Koran an-Nisāʾ 95. The basis of this call is that it keeps shifting the heritages until its rights end with us. They wink at us as its lightnings threw off its frames with the heated draught. God the Exalted stops him and guides him and he enlarges his power when the help of the lances becomes insufficient to him and when his hand reaches him.
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