Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 450, 7 - 12

7: 450, 7 - 12
و فيه رسم السلطان بتعويق جوامك اولاد الناس و المرتبين من الضعفاء و الايتام على ديوان السلطان
و و عرضهم السلطان و قطع جماعة كبيرة و بينما هو فى ذلك وصل الامير بردبك من القدس و
حذر السلطان من الدعاء عليه و نهاه عن هذه الفعلة فانفعل له و ترك كل واحد على حاله و نودى بذلك
بشوارع القاهرة فعد من محاسن بردبك المذكور
On that day, the sultan ordered the withholding of the jawāmik of the ʾawlād al-nās, those of the ḍuʿafāʾ that are entitled to a stipend, and the orphans, which were upon the dīwān al-sulṭān. He reviewed them and he cut off a large part.
While he was doing so, amir Bardabak arrived from Jerusalem, and he warned the sultan that he would be cursed. He prevented him from doing this.
The sultan yielded to him and left everybody in his (previous) state.
This was proclaimed in the streets of Cairo.
This is to be consdered as one of Bardabak’s good deeds.
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Practice (14)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0818-07-11 Direct benefit money unknown ʾAqbāy al-Khāzindār al-Muʾayyadī Direct benefit money unknown `Aqbay al-Khazindar al-Mu`ayyadi
0818-07-11 Direct benefit money unknown zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Direct benefit money unknown zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab
0842-10-19 Fleeing unknown Fleeing unknown
0858-08-06 Removing income stipends al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd ʾaytām Removing income stipends al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud `aytam
0858-08-06 Direct benefit change of sentence al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd ʾawlād nās Direct benefit change of sentence al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud `awlad nas
0858-08-06 Removing income stipends al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd ʾawlād nās Removing income stipends al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud `awlad nas
0858-08-06 Direct benefit change of sentence al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd ḍuʿafāʾ Direct benefit change of sentence al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud du'afa`
0858-08-06 Direct benefit change of sentence al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd ʾaytām Direct benefit change of sentence al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud `aytam
0858-08-06 Removing income stipends al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd ḍuʿafāʾ Removing income stipends al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud du'afa`
0858-08-06 Informing fitna Birdibak al-ʾAshrafī al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd Informing fitna Birdibak al-`Ashrafi al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud
0858-08-06 Negative communication threatening Birdibak al-ʾAshrafī al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd Negative communication threatening Birdibak al-`Ashrafi al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud
0858-08-06 Acting other Birdibak al-ʾAshrafī al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd Acting other Birdibak al-`Ashrafi al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud
0858-08-06 Arriving Birdibak al-ʾAshrafī Arriving Birdibak al-`Ashrafi
0858-11-11 Quarreling other ʾIbrāhīm b. al-Hayṣam al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd Quarreling other `Ibrahim b. al-Haysam al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud

Institutions (0)

Places (2)
