Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 498, 3 - 13

7: 498, 3 - 13
ثم فى يوم الاثنين رابع جمادى الاولى استقر مرجان مقدم المماليك السلطانية امير حاج الركب الاول
فحصل بتولية مرجان هذا امرة الحاج الاول على اهل مكة ما لا خير فيه لانه كان فى نفسه وضيعا لم
تشمله تربية مرب لانه نشأ ببلاد الحصن و خرج منها على هيئة المكدين من فقراء العجم و دار البلاد
على تلك الهيئة سنين كثيرة الى ان اتصل بخدمة جماعة كثيرة من الامراء ثم آل امره الى بيت السلطان
و غلط الدهر بولايته النيابة ثم التقدمة ثم بولاية امرة الركب الاول فى هذه السنة فلما سافر اخذ معه
جماعة كبيرة من انياته المماليك الاجلاب ففعلوا فى اهل مكة افعالا ما تفعلها الخوارج من الظلم و اخذ
اموال الناس له و لأنفسهم كما سياتىذكر ذلك عند عوده من الحج ان شاء الله تعالى
On Monday 4, Murjān, the muqaddam al-mamālīk al-sulṭānīya, was appointed ʾamīr ḥājj al-rakb al-ʾawwal,
From the appointment of Murjān as ʾamīr al-ḥājj al-ʾawwal no good came upon the people of Mecca, as he was mean and as he had not enjoyed any upbringing, for he had grown up in the country of Ḥiṣn had left it in the manner of the begging (mukaddin) ʿAjamī fuqarāʾ, had roamed the land like that for many years, until he entered the khidma of many (successive) amirs.
Following, his fortune (ʾamr, trsl. thus by Popper) lead him to the house of the sultan.
Fate erred in appointing him nāʾib, and then muqaqqam, then ʾamīr al-rakb al-ʾawwal this year.
As he left, he took with him a large group of his īnī’s of the mamālīk ʾajlāb, and they did things of tyranny to the people of Mecca that not even the khawārij would do. They took the people’s property for themselves, as will be related when dealing with his return from the Hadj, God willing.
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