al-Maqrīzī, Sulūk 4: 531, 6 - 532, 8

4: 531, 6 - 532, 8
وفي ثامن عشره: توقف النيل عن الزيادة، وتمادى على ذلك أياماً. فارتفع سعر الغلال، وأمسك أربابها
أيديهم عن بيعها، وكثر قلق الناس، ثم نودي فيهم أن يتركوا العمل بمعاصي الله، وأن يلتزموا الخير.
ثم نودي في ثاني عشرينه أن يصوموا ثلاثة أيام، ويخرجوا إلى الصحراء، فأصبح كثير من الناس
صائماً، وصام السلطان أيضاً. فنودي بزيادة إصبع مما نقصه، ثم نودي من يوم الأحد غده أن يخرجوا
غداً إلى الجبل وهم صائمون، فبكر في يوم الاثنين خامس عشرينه شيخ الإسلام قاضي القضاة جلال
الدين البلقيني، وسار من منزله راكباً بثياب جلوسه في طائفة، حتى جلس عند فم الوادي، قريباً من قبة
النصر، وقد نصب هناك منبر، فقرأ سورة الأنعام، وأقبل الناس أفواجاً من كل جهة، حتى كثر الجمع،
ومضى من شروق الشمس نحو ساعتين أقبل السلطان بمفرده على فرس، وقد تزيا بزي أهل
التصوف، فاعتم بمئزر صوف لطيف، ولبس ثوب صوف أبيض، وعلى عنقه شملة صوف مرخاة، وليس
في سرجه - ولا شيء من قماش فرسه - ذهب ولا حرير، فأنزل عن الفرس، وجلس على الأرض من غير
بساط ولا سجادة، مما يلي يسار المنبر، فصلى قاضي القضاة جلال الدين ركعتين كهيئة صلاة العيد،
والناس من ورائه يصلون بصلاته. ثم رقي المنبر، فخطب خطبتين، حث الناس فيهما على التوبة
والاستغفار، وأعمال البر، وفعل الخير، وحذرهم، ونهاهم. وتحول فوق المنبر فاستقبل القبلة، ودعا فأطال
الدعاء، والسلطان في ذلك يبكي وينتحب، وقد باشر في سجوده التراب بجهته. فلما انقضت الخطبة
انفض الناس، وركب السلطان فرسه، وسار والعامة محيطة به من أربع جهاته، يدعون له، حتى صعد
القلعة، فكان يوماً مشهوداً، وجمعًا موفورًا.
823 AH, 12/06:
The Nile stopped increasing, and this continued for days. The prices for the crops rose and the lords of it stopped selling it, and the anxiety of the people grew. Then it was announced to them to stop doing this because they disobeyed God and to do good things.
Then, on 22/06, it was announced to fast three days and to go to the desert and many people fasted, as did the sultan. It was announced that the Nile increased an ʾisbāʿ of what it decreased. Then, on Sunday morning it was announced to leave the next day to the mountain, fasting. And the day after, on Monday 25/06, Shaykh al-ʾIslām Qaḍī al-quḍāt Jalāl al-Dīn al-Bulqīnī left early in the morning and left his residence in informal clothing in a group and went to the mouth of the river near the Qubbat al-Naṣr, where a minbar had been constructed . The surat al-ʾanʿām was read and people arrived in groups from all directions, until there was a huge crowd. When more or less two hours had passed since the sun had risen, the sultan approached, alone on a horse and the taṣawwuf had been decorated with the clothes of the people and he had a nice woolen cover and was dressed in white woolen clothes and around his neck was a loose cloak of wool. There was no gold or iron on his saddle, nor on the caparisons of his horse. He dismounted and sat down on the ground, without carpet or rug, close to the minbar. Qaḍī al-quḍāt Jalāl al-Dīn performed the prayer with two bowings, as if it were the prayer of the ʿĪd, and the people prayed behind him. Then he ascended the minbar, where he held two sermons, in which he urged the people to do penance, to ask for forgiveness and to show piety and to do good things, he warned them and restrict them. Then he left the minbar and turned his face to the qibla and made a long call for the prayer and the sultan cried and wept during this and his face touched the ground during his prostrations. After the sermon, the people left and the sultan mounted his horse and left. The common people surrounded him from the four directions and called him until he reached the citadel. It was a memorable day, with an enormous crowd.
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Practice (9)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0823-06-12 Ordering obedience unknown ʾarbāb ghilāl Ordering obedience unknown `arbab ghilal
0823-06-24 Ordering other unknown nās Ordering other unknown nas
0823-06-24 Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nās Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nas
0823-06-25 Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalāl al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Bulqīnī nās Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalal al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bulqini nas
0823-06-25 Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalāl al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Bulqīnī al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalal al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bulqini al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0823-06-25 Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nās Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nas
0823-06-30 Ritual Islamic ceremony al-Muʾayyad Shaykh unknown Ritual Islamic ceremony al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh unknown
0823-06-30 Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nās Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nas
0823-06-30 Ordering other unknown nās Ordering other unknown nas

Institutions (0)

Places (2)
