Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 395, 1-9

5: 395, 1-9
ثم ركب الناصري إلى القلعة وتسلمها واستدعى التركمان والعربان وكتب إلى تمربغا الأفضلي الأشرفي المعروف بمنطاش يدعوه إلى موافقته فسر منطاش بذلك وقدم عليه بعد أيام ودخل تحت طاعته‏.‏

وكان الناصري قد أباد منطاش وقاتله منذ خرج عن طاعته وطاعة السلطان غير مرة‏.‏

وصار منطاش من جملة أصحابه‏.‏

وتعاضد الأشرفية واليلبغاوية هم الأكثر فإن الناصري من كبار اليلبغاوية ومنطاش من كبار الأشرفية هذا مع ما انضم على الناصري من أكابر الأمراء على ما سيأتي ذكره‏.‏

وعاد تلكتمر الدوادار بهذا الخبر في خامس عشر صفر فكان عليه خبر غير صالح‏
Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī then rode to the citadel (of Aleppo) and took possession of it, summoned the Turkumān and Arabs, and wrote to Tamurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī al-ʾAshrafī, known as Minṭāsh, to join him. Minṭāsh, overjoyed, came to hi after a few days and acknowledged allegiance to him. Previously, Minṭāsh had been persecuted by al-Nāṣirī, who had fought him several times since his defection from the sultan. Now he became one of al-Nāṣirī’s adherents, and furthermore the ʾAshrafīs and the Yalbughāwīs (the latter were the more numerous faction) became his allies, since al-Nāṣirī was one of the leading Yalbughāwīs and Minṭāsh one of the leading ʾAshrafīs. many of the leading amirs, too, joined al-Nāṣirī as will be explained later. This news was brought back to Cairo by Maliktamur on ṣafar 15 - and it was bad news whiche he brought !
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