Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 416, 5-22

5: 416, 5-22
وورد الخبر بنصرتهم على الملك الظاهر فلم يغتر بذلك وعلم أن أمره قد زال فأخذ في تدبير أمره مع خواصه فأشار عليه من عنده أن يستأمن من الناصري فعند ذلك أرسل الملك الظاهر الأمير أبا بكر بن سنقر الحاجب والأمير بيدمر المنجكي شاد القصر بالنمجاة إلى الأمير يلبغا الناصري أن يأخذا له أمانًا على نفسه ويترققًا له فسارا من وقتهما إلى قبة النصر ودخلا على الناصري وهو بمخيمه واجتمعا به في خلوة فآمنة على نفسه وأخذ منهما منجاة الملك وقال‏:‏ الملك الظاهر أخونا وخشداشنا ولكنه يختفي بمكان إلى أن تخمد الفتنة فإن الآن كل واحد له رأي وكلام حتى ندبر له أمرًا يكون فيه نجاته فعادا بهذا الجواب إلى الملك الظاهر برقوق‏.‏

وأقام السلطان بعد ذلك في مكانه مع خواصه إلى أن صلى عشاء الآخرة وقام الخليفة المتوكل على الله إلى منزله بالقلعة على العادة في كل ليلة‏.‏

وبقي الملك الظاهر في قليل من أصحابه وأذن لسودون النائب في التوجه إلى حال سبيله والنظر في مصلحة نفسه فودعه وقام ونزل من وقته‏.‏

ثم فرق الملك الظاهر بقية أصحابه فمضى كل واحد إلى حال سبيله‏.‏

ثم استتر الملك الظاهر وغير صفته حتى نزل من الإسطبل إلى حيث شاء ماشيًا على قدميه فلم يعرف له أحد خبرًا‏.‏

791 AH, 04/06
The report of the victory was brought back to al-malik al-Ẓāhir but he did not allow himself any false hopes; he knew that the end of his rule had come, and he began to discuss with his khawāṣṣ what he should do. Those who were with him advised him to seek amnesty (yastaʾmina) from al-Nāṣirī, and he thereupon sent amir ʾAbū Bakr ibn Sunqur the chamberlain and amir Baydamur al-Manjakī, superintendant of the castle (shādd al-qaṣr), to take the royal dagger (al-namjāh) to al-Nāṣirī, receive from him a safeguard for the sultan’s life, and seek to appease him. The two departed immediatly for Qubbat al-Naṣr, and entering to al-Nāṣirī in his encampment conferred with him in private. He granted the safeguard for the sultan’s life, and taking from them the royal dagger, said: “Al-malik al-Ẓāhir is our brother and comrade (ʾakhū-nā wa khushdāshu-nā); but he must go hiding somewhere until this trouble has subsided, for at present everyone has his own opinion and says his own say; wait until we can devise some plan for his safety.” The two brought back this reply to the sultan, who remained with his khawāṣṣ in his dwelling until he had said the prayer of nightfall, when the caliph al-Mutawakkil, as was his nightly custom, went to his dwelling in the citadel. The sultan, who remained alone with a few of his followers (ʾaṣḥāb), gave permission to the viceroy Sūdūn to go his own way and look to his own welfare; the latter, bidding the sultan farewell, rose and descended immediately. The sultan then dismissed the rest of his followers, who likewise went their own way. Therupon al-malik al-Ẓāhir secretly changed his attire and went down from the royal stables on foot, without hindrance and without anyone’s knowing what had become of him.
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