Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 417, 14 - 418, 5

5: 417, 14 - 418, 5
هذا وقد انضمت العامة والزعر والتركمان من أصحاب الناصري وتفرقوا على بيوت الأمراء وحواصلهم فنهبوا ما وجموا حتى أخربوا الدور وأخذوا أبوابها وخشبها وهجموا منازل الناس خارج القاهرة ونهبوها واستمروا على ذلك وقد صارت مصر غوغاء وأهلها رعية بلا راع حتى أرسل الناصري الأمير ناصر الدين محمد بن الحسام وقد ولاه ولاية القاهرة فسار ابن الحسام إلى القاهرة فوجد باب النصر مغلوقًا فدخل بفرسه راكبًا من جامع الحاكم إلى القاهرة وفتح باب النصر وباب الفتوح‏.‏

وعند فتح الأبواب طرق جماعة كبيرة من عسكر الناصري القاهرة ونهبوا منها جانبًا كبيرًا فقاتلهم الناس وقتلوا منهم أربعة نفر‏.‏

ومر بالناس في هذه الأيام شدائد وأهوال‏.‏

وبلغ الناصري الخبر فبعث أبا بكر بن سنقر الحاجب وتنكزبغا رأس نوبة إلى حفظ القاهرة فدخلاها‏.‏

ثم نودي بها من قبل الناصري بالأمان ومنع النهب فنزل تنكزبغا المذكور عند الجملون وسط القاهرة ونزل سيدي أبو بكر بن سنقر عند باب زويلة وسكن الحال وهدأ ما بالناس وأمنوا على أموالهم‏.‏

791 AH, 05/06
In the meanwhile the populace (al-ʿāmma) and the rabble (al-zuʿr) had been joined by the Turkumān among al-Nāṣirī’s allies, and they went in parties to the homes and storehouses of the amirs; they stole whatever they could find, even destroying houses and carrying off their doors and woodwork, and they likewise attacked the dwelling places of the men (al-nās) outside of Cairo and robbed them. As this continued Cairo became in an uproar, its citizens as sheep without a shepherd, until al-Nāṣirī sent amir Nāṣir al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusām, who he had appointed wālī of Cairo, to the city. Finding Succor Gate locked, the wālī entered on horseback through the Mosque of al-Ḥākim and unlocked both the Succor and the Victory Gates. When the gates had been opened a great number of al-Nāṣirī’s troops rushed into Cairo and plundered a large section of it, though the inhabitants gave them battle and killed four of them. During these days the people suffered dreadful hardships; but when the news reached al-Nāṣirī he sent ʾAbū Bakr ibn Sunqur the chamberlain and Tunkuz Bughā, chief of the guard, to protect Cairo; the two officials entered, peace was proclaimed on behalf of al-Nāṣirī, and pillage was forbidden. Tankiz Bughā stationed himself near the Jamalūn in the center of Cairo while sayyidī ʾAbū Bakr ibn Sunqur stayed near the zuwayla Gate. Quiet was thus restored; the men (al-nās) were relieved of their distress and felt that their property was secure.
Related properties

Practice (12)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0791-06-05 Looting combination ʿāmma ʾumarāʾ Looting combination 'amma `umara`
0791-06-05 Looting combination ʿāmma nās Looting combination 'amma nas
0791-06-05 Looting UNKWN ʿaskar al-Nāṣirī ʿāmma Looting UNKWN 'askar al-Nasiri 'amma
0791-06-05 Looting combination al-Turkumān ʾumarāʾ Looting combination al-Turkuman `umara`
0791-06-05 Looting combination al-Turkumān nās Looting combination al-Turkuman nas
0791-06-05 Looting combination al-Zuʿr ʾumarāʾ Looting combination al-Zu'r `umara`
0791-06-05 Looting combination al-Zuʿr nās Looting combination al-Zu'r nas
0791-06-05 Battling street violence nās ʿaskar al-Nāṣirī Battling street violence nas 'askar al-Nasiri
0791-06-05 Ordering mission Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Tankiz Bughā al-Sayfī Ordering mission Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki Tankiz Bugha al-Sayfi
0791-06-05 Ordering mission Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusām Ordering mission Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki Muhammad b. al-Husam
0791-06-05 Ordering mission Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī ʾAbū Bakr b. Sunqur Ordering mission Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki `Abu Bakr b. Sunqur
0791-06-05 Appointing wālī (al-Qāhira/Cairo) Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusām Appointing wali (al-Qahira/Cairo) Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki Muhammad b. al-Husam

Institutions (2)

Places (1)
