Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 454, 5-10

5: 454, 5-10
وعند خروجه قدم الخبر على الناصري بأن الأمير آقبغا الصغير وآقبغا أستدار آقتمر اجتمع عليهما نحو أربعمائة مملوك من المماليك الظاهرية ليركبوا على جنتمر نائب الشام ويملكوا منه البلد فلما بلغ جنتمر ذلك ركب بمماليكه وكبسهم على حين غفلة فلم يفلت منهم إلا اليسير وفيهم آقبغا الصغير المذكور فسر الناصري بذلك وخلع على القاصد‏.‏

791 AH, 19/06
As Kujkunī was leaving, al-Nāṣirī received a report that amirs ʾĀqbughā al-ṣaghīr and ʾĀqbughā ʾustādār ʾĀqtamur, had been joined by about four hundred of al-malik al-Ẓāhir ‘s mamlūks for the purpose of rising in revolt against Jantamur, governor of Damascus, and taking the city from him; that when this news was reported to Jantamur he had mounted with his own mamlūks and taken the revolters by surprise so that only a few of them, including ʾĀqbughā al-ṣaghīr, had escaped. Al-Nāṣirī was rejoiced at this report, and bestowed a robe upon the messenger.
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