Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 467, 4-11

5: 467, 4-11
وبات منطاش بالإسطبل‏.‏

وأصبح من الغد وهو يوم الخميس تاسع عشر شعبان وطلع إلى السلطان الملك المنصور حاجي وأعلمه بأنه في طاعته وأنه هو أحق بخدمته لكونه من جملة المماليك الذين لأبيه الأشرف شعبان وأنه يمتثل مرسومه فيما يأمره به وأنه يريد بما فعله عمارة بيت الملك الأشرف - رحمه الله - فسر المنصور بذلك هو وجماعة الأشرفية فإنهم كانوا في غاية ما يكون من الضيق مع اليلبغاوية من مدة سنين‏.‏

791 AH, 19/08
Minṭāsh passed the night in the Stables, and the next morning, Thursday, Shaʿbān 19, ascended to the sultan al-malik al-Manṣūr Ḥājjī in the citadel and informed him that he acknowledged his suzerainty, that since he himself had been one of the mamlūks of al-malik al-ʾAshraf Shaʿbān, Ḥājjī’s father, he owed his service to him rather than to any other, that he would obey any orders which he might issue, and that his purpose in doing what he had done was to restore to power thehouse of al-malik al-ʾAshraf (God grant him mercy). Al-Manṣūr and the ʾAshrafī party were pleased by this statement since for a series of years they had been kept in the extremest straits by the Yalbughāwīya
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