Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 471, 6-9

5: 471, 6-9
وبينما منطاش في ذلك ورد عليه البريد بخروج الأمير عن الطاعة غضبًا للناصري وأنه اتفق هو وسولي بن دلغادر ونهبا بلادًا كثيرة من الأعمال الحلبية فلم يلتفت منطاش إلى ذلك وكتب لهما يستعطفهما على دخولهما تحت الطاعة‏.‏
791 AH, after 03/09
While Minṭāsh was in the midst of all this, he received news by horse post that amir Nuʿayr had revolted in anger against al-Nāṣirī, and that Sūlī ibn Dulghādir had joined forces and plundered many districts of Aleppo. Minṭāsh, however, paid little attention to this news; he merely wrote to the amirs in conciliation terms, requesting them to acknowledge his sovereignty.
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