Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 474, 9-15

5: 474, 9-15
فلم يتم سروره، وقدم عليه الخبر بما هو أهدى وأمر، وهو خروج الملك الظاهر برقوق من سجن الكرك، وأنه استولى على مدينتها ووافقه نائبها الأمير حسام الدين حسن الكجكني، وقام بخدمته، وقد حضر إلى الملك الظاهر برقوق ابن خاطر أمير بني عقبة من عرب الكرك ودخل في طاعته، وقدم هذا الخبر من ابن بأكيش نائب غزة. فلما سمع منطاش ذلك كاد يهلك، واضطربت الديار المصرية، وكثرت القالة بين الناس، واختلفت الأقاويل، وتشغب الزعر.
791 AH, after 20/09
But this joy did not last long, for now there came news that was more alarming and distressful to him, namely, that al-malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq had left the prison of al-Karak and had taken posession of the city; that its governor amir Ḥusām al-Dīn Ḥasan al-Kujkuniī had espoused his cause and offered him his homage, and that Ibn Khāṭir, amir of the Banū ʿAqaba Arabs of al-Karak, also had gone to him and acknowledge his suzeraignty. This report came from Ibn Bākīsh, governor of Gaza, and when Minṭāsh heard it he almost perished. Cairo became in a turmoil; men everywhere were discussing the news and various rumors were spread, while the rabble made ready for mischief.
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