Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 474, 16 - 475, 8

5: 474, 16 - 475, 8
وكان من خبر الملك الظاهر برقوق أن منطاش لما وثب على الأمر وأقهر الأتابك يلبغا الناصري وحبسه وحبس عدة من أكابر الأمراء، عاجل في أمر الملك الظاهر برقوق بأن بعث إليه شخصاً يعرف بالشهاب البريدي ومعه كتب للأمير حسام الدين الكجكني نائب الكرك وغيره بقتل الملك الظاهر برقوق من غير مراجعة، ووعده بأشياء غير نيابة الكرك.
وكان الشهاب البريدي أصله من الكرك، وتزوج ببنت قاضي الكرك القاضي عماد الدين أحمد بن عيسى المقيري الكركي. ثم وقع بين الشهاب المذكور وبين زوجته، فقام أبوها عليه حتى طلقها منه، وزوجها بغيره. وكان الشهاب مغرماً بها، فشق ذلك عليه، وخرج من الكرك، وقدم مصر، وصار بريدياً. وضرب الدهر ضرباته حتى كان من أمر منطاش ما كان، فاتصل به الشهاب المذكور ووعده أنه يتوجه لقتل الملك الظاهر برقوق، فجهزه منطاش لذلك سراً، وكتب على يده إلى الأمير حسام الدين الكجكني نائب الكرك كتباً بذلك، وحثه على القيام مع الشهاب المذكور على قتل برقوق، وأنه ينزله بقلعة الكرك ويسكنه بها حتى يتوصل لقتل الملك الظاهر برقوق.
791 AH, before 20/09
A part of the story of al-malik al-Ẓāhir is as follows: When Minṭāsh had usurped the power, overcome and imprisoned the ʾatābak Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī, and imprisoned also a number of the principal amirs, he tried to anticipate any action on the part of Barqūq by sending an individual named al-Shihāb al-Barīdī with letters for amir Ḥusām al-Dīn al-Kujkunī, governor of al-Karak, ordering him without consulting anyone, to put Barqūq to death, and promising him the office of governor of al-Karak in addition to other rewards. Al-Shihāb al-Barīdī was a native of al-Karak, and had married the daughter of ʿImād al-Dīn ʾAḥmad ibn ʿĪsā al-Muqayrī al-Karakī, judge if al-Karak; but al-Shihāb had quarreled with his wife, and her father, bringing pressure to bear, had divorced her from him and married her to another. Al-Shihāb, however, was still deeply in love with her, and, the affair weighing heavily on his mind, he had left al-Karak and gone to Cairo as a post messenger. Then in the course of events Minṭāsh took the measures which he did and al-Shihāb, having become attached to his service, promised him that he would undertake to kill Barqūq. Minṭāsh then sent him on his secret errand, and gave him letters for amir Ḥusām al-Dīn al-Kujkunī, governor of al-Karak, urging him to aid al-Shihāb in the murder by lodging him in the citadel of al-Karak and permitting him to dwell there until he should succeed in accomplishing the death of Barqūq.
Related properties

Institutions (2)

Institution (via actor properties) Extra
qāḍī (al-Karak/Karak) qadi (al-Karak/Karak)
barīdīya baridiya

Places (1)
