Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 478, 23 - 479, 6

5: 478, 23 - 479, 6
وفيه حمل جهاز خوند بنت الملك الأشرف شعبان أخت الملك المنصور هذا لتزف على الأمير الكبير منطاش، وكان الجهاز على خمسمائة جمل وعشرة قطر بغال ومشى الحجاب وغالب الأمراء أمام الجهاز، فخلع عليهم منطاش الخلع السنية وبنى بها من ليلته، بعد أن اهتم بالعرس اهتماماً زائداً وعندما زفت إليه علق منطاش على شربوشها ديناراً زنته مائتا مثقال، ثم ثاني مرة ديناراً زنته مائة مثقال، وفتح للقصر باباً من الإسطبل بسبب ذلك بجوار باب السر،
791 AH, 10/10
On the same day, wedding gifts were sent to the princess, the daughter of al-malik al-ʾAshraf Shaʿbān and sister of the reigning sultan al-malik al-Manṣūr, who was to be conducted as bride to Great Amir Minṭāsh. The gifts were borne by 500 camels and 10 chains of mules, while the chamberlains and most of the amirs walked at the head of the procession and then received costly robes from Minṭāsh. The same night the marriage was consummated. Minṭāsh had expended a great amount of care on the preparations for the wedding, and when the princess was conducted to him in the wedding procession he attached to her headdress a gold dīnār weighing two hundred mithqāls, and the attached to it another one weighing one hundred mithqāls. He also for this occasion had constructed a gateway into the Castle from the Royal Stables near the Gate of the Chain.
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