al-ʿAynī, ʿIqd (Q) 1: 156, 4 - 157, 3

1: 156, 4 - 157, 3
٧. قاضي محب الدين ابو الوليد محمد بن محمد بن الشحنة الحلبي الحنفي, اشتغل قديما, و نبغ
و تميز في الفقه و الادب, و ولى قضاء حلب فنازعه بنو العديم, و جرت له امور في ذلك حتى اراد الظاهر
قتله, ثم سجن, ثم صودر, و اعتنى به محمود الاستادار و اختص به, و له فيه مدائح, ثم كان ممن قام مع
جكم حين تسلطن فنقم عليه الناصر ذلك, و قبص عليه, ثم هرب, ثم امتحن في سنة ثلاث عشرة و احضر
الى القاهرة, ثم رضي عنه الناصر و ولاه تدريس الجمالية٫و ثم ولاه قصاء الحنفية و هو بدمشق, فلما
زالت دولة الناصر و اعيد ابن العديم استقر هو في قضاء حلب, و عطى مدارس, و توجه صحبة النائب
فمات في الثامن عشر ربيع الآخر منها, و قد جاوز السبعين.‏
Obituaries of 815:
7. Qāḍī Muḥibb al-Dīn ʾAbu l-Wālid Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. al-Shiḥna al-Ḥalabī al-Ḥanafī. He was busy on an old age. He excelled and was distinguished in fiqh and literature. He was appointed as qāḍī al-quḍāt in Aleppo and the family of al-ʿAdīm struggled with him. The situation became such for him that al-Ẓāhir wanted to kill him, and then imprisoned him. He was confiscated and Maḥmūd the ʾustādār looked after him and favoured him and there were eulogies for him. Then he was one of those who were with Jakam when he wanted to become sultan and al-Nāṣir took revenge on him for this and arrested him, and he fled. Then, in the year 13 he was subjected to a trial and summoned to Cairo. Al-Nāṣir forgave him and appointed him as teacher in the Jamālīya, and then as qāḍī quḍāt al-ḥanafīya, while he was in Damascus during the siege. When al-Nāṣir’s reign ended and Ibn al-ʿAdīm was again appointed [as qāḍī quḍāṭ instead of Muḥammad al-Ḥalabī], this one was appointed in the office of qāḍī of Aleppo and given schools. He went to Aleppo with the nāʾib and died there on 18/04, when he was more or less of 70.
Related properties

Practice (15)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0813-12-31 Ordering attendance al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Ordering attendance al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0813-12-31 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Direct benefit change of sentence al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0813-12-31 Appointing mudarris Jamālīya al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Appointing mudarris Jamaliya al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-01-23 Appointing qāḍī quḍāt Ḥanafīya (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Appointing qadi qudat Hanafiya (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-12 Dying Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Dying Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-12 Appointing qāḍī (general) (Ḥalab/Aleppo) unknown Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Appointing qadi (general) (Halab/Aleppo) unknown Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-18 Confiscating general al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Confiscating general al-Zahir Barquq Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-18 Arresting seizing al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Arresting seizing al-Zahir Barquq Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-18 Arresting seizing al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Arresting seizing al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-18 Direct benefit protection Jamāl al-Dīn Maḥmūd al-Qayṣarī Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Direct benefit protection Jamal al-Din Mahmud al-Qaysari Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-18 Quarreling displaying unhappiness Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Ṣadr al-Dīn b. al-ʾĀdamī Quarreling displaying unhappiness Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna Sadr al-Din b. al-`Adami
0815-04-18 Supporting military campaign Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Jakam min ʿIwaḍ al-Ẓāhirī Supporting military campaign Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna Jakam min 'Iwad al-Zahiri
0815-04-18 Direct benefit other unknown Ṣadr al-Dīn b. al-ʾĀdamī Direct benefit other unknown Sadr al-Din b. al-`Adami
0815-04-18 Fleeing Muḥibb al-Dīn b. al-Shiḥna Fleeing Muhibb al-Din b. al-Shihna
0815-04-18 Appointing qāḍī quḍāt (general) unknown Nāṣir al-Dīn b. al-ʿAdīm Appointing qadi qudat (general) unknown Nasir al-Din b. al-'Adim

Places (4)