Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 484, 20 - 485, 6

5: 484, 20 - 485, 6
و في اليوم ورد على منطاش واقعة صفد وكان من خبرها ان مملوكا من مماليك الملك الظاهر برقوق يقال له يلبغا السالمي كان اسلمه الظاهر الى الطواشي بهادر الشهابي مقدم المماليك فرباه بهادر ورتبه جاندار واستمر على ذلك الى ان نفى الملك الظاهر بهادر الى البلاد الشأمية فصار يلبغا السالمي المذكور عند صواب السعدي شنكل لما استقر مقدم المماليك بعد بهادر المذكور وصار دواداره الصغير فلما قبض الناصري على شنكل المذكور خدم يلبغا السالمي هذا عند الأمير قطلوبك النظامي نائب صفد وصار دواداره وسار مع أهل صفد سيرة جيدة
791 AH, 15/11
On this same day Minṭāsh received a report of events which had taken place in Ṣafad and involving a former mamlūk of Barqūq’s named Yalbughā al-Sālimī. Al-Sālimī as a mamlūk had been put by Barqūq under the charge of the eunuch Bahādur al-Shihābī, barrack commander of the mamlūks, who had trained him and then made him his own armor bearer. Then when al-Ẓāhir banished Bahādur to Syria, Yalbughā al-Sālimī passed into the charge of his successor as barrack commander, Ṣawāb al-Saʿdī Shankal, and had become his assistant executive secretary (dawādāra-hu al-ṣaghīr). When in turn Shankal had been arrested by al-Nāṣirī, Yalbughā al-Sālimī had entered the service of Quṭlūbak al-Niẓāmī, governor of Ṣafad, and had become his executive secretary (dawādār); as such his treatment of the inhabitants of Ṣafad had been admirable.
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