al-ʿAynī, ʿIqd (Q) 1: 193, 6 - 194, 9

1: 193, 6 - 194, 9
القاضي فتح الله بن مستعصم بن نفيس كاتب السر, توفي خنقا ليلة الاحد الخامس من ربيع الاول في بيت الوالي تاج الشامي,و قاسى من الضرب و العصر امورا عظيمة ,و اخرج صبيحة يوم الاحد,و دفن في تربته بالصحراء و لم يجسر احد على تشييع جنازته,و كان المؤيد اخذ منه قبل موته اربعين الف دينار,و احتاط على جميع حواصله و رزقه , و مستاجراته و اوطاقه و تعلقاته في مصر و الشام و غيرها و كان اصله يهوديا اسلم هو تبعا لعمه بديع المتطبب,و كان في اول امره فقيرا, ثم اتصل بالامير شيخ الصفدي,و استولى عليه’ حتى كان يتحدث في جميع اقطاعه و تعلقاته, حصل مالا كثيرا,ثم زوجه شيخ والدته , فعظم بذلك جدا, ثم سعى له عند السلطان في رياسة الاطباء,و اتصل بسببه بالملك الظاهر,و لما مات بدر الدين الكلستاني كاتب السر ولاه الظاهر عوضه و لم يزل كاتب السر الى ان مات برقوق,ثم استمر على ذلك ايام ولده الناصر, و حصل عليه من الناصر ما ذكرناه, ثم قرره على حاله الى ان جرى عليه ما جرى من المؤيد,و كان قد جمع من الكتب النفيس ما لا يوصف و لا بعد فالكل ذهب ضياعا
Obituaries of 816:
Qāḍī Fatḥ Allāh b. Mustaʿṣim b. Nafīs, the kātib al-sirr was strangled on Sunday night, 05/03, in the house of wālī Tāj al-Shāmī. He suffered a lot from the beatings and the torture, and was brought out on Sunday, and buried in his tomb, in al-Ṣāḥrāʾ, but nobody had the courage to accompany the funeral procession. Before his death, al-Muʾayyad had taken 40000 dinar from him, and had controlled all his revenues, his possessions, his employers, and his relationships in Egypt and Syria and in other places. He was of Jewish descent and converted to Islam, following the example of his uncle, who was head of the physicians. He was poor in his youth, then he joined amir Shaykh al-Ṣafadī and overpowered him until he took possession of all his ʾiqtā’s and relations, and he obtained a large sum of money, then Shaykh married his daughter to him, and because of this he obtained a lot of power. Then he introduced him to the sultan as head of the physicians, and because of this he became part of the entourage of sultan al-Ẓāhir, and when Badr al-Dīn al-Kilistānī, the kātib al-sirr died, al-Ẓāhir appointed him to replace him and he stayed kātib al-sirr, until Barqūq died, then he was confirmed in this function, in the days of his son, al-Nāṣir. He obtained from al-Nāṣir what we already mentioned. Then his situation was settled until the things that happened because of al-Muʾayyad happened to him. He had collected a indescribable amount of valuable books, but all of them were lost.
Related properties

Practice (14)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0801-12-31 Dying al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Dying al-Zahir Barquq
0815-10-09 Confiscating cash al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Confiscating cash al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh Fath Allah al-Tabrizi
0816-03-05 Serving other Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Shaykh al-Khāṣṣakī al-Ṣafawī Serving other Fath Allah al-Tabrizi Shaykh al-Khassaki al-Safawi
0816-03-05 Serving other Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Serving other Fath Allah al-Tabrizi al-Zahir Barquq
0816-03-05 Acting general Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Shaykh al-Khāṣṣakī al-Ṣafawī Acting general Fath Allah al-Tabrizi Shaykh al-Khassaki al-Safawi
0816-03-05 Removing income ʾiqtāʿ Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Shaykh al-Khāṣṣakī al-Ṣafawī Removing income `iqta' Fath Allah al-Tabrizi Shaykh al-Khassaki al-Safawi
0816-03-05 Dying Maḥmūd al-Kulustānī Dying Mahmud al-Kulustani
0816-03-05 Appointing kātib sirr (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Appointing katib sirr (sultan) al-Zahir Barquq Fath Allah al-Tabrizi
0816-03-05 Appointing kātib sirr (sulṭān) al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Appointing katib sirr (sultan) al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Fath Allah al-Tabrizi
0816-03-05 Ending term kātib sirr (sulṭān) Maḥmūd al-Kulustānī Ending term katib sirr (sultan) Mahmud al-Kulustani
0816-03-06 Assassinating non-battle unknown Fatḥ Allāh al-TabrīzīʿAṭā,_Beirut:_Dār_al-Kutub_al-ʿIlmīya Assassinating non-battle unknown Fath Allah al-Tabrizi
0816-03-06 Marrying marrying Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Bint Shaykh al-Ṣafawī Marrying marrying Fath Allah al-Tabrizi Bint Shaykh al-Safawi
0816-03-06 Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown Fath Allah al-Tabrizi
0816-03-06 Giving in marriage Bint Shaykh al-Ṣafawī Shaykh al-Khāṣṣakī al-Ṣafawī Fatḥ Allāh al-Tabrīzī Giving in marriage Bint Shaykh al-Safawi Shaykh al-Khassaki al-Safawi Fath Allah al-Tabrizi

Institutions (1)

Institution (via actor properties) Extra
kātib sirr (sulṭān) katib sirr (sultan)

Places (3)