Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 490, 20 - 491, 1

5: 490, 20 - 491, 1
وخلع على قاضي القضاة بدر الدين محمد بن أبي البقاء باستقراره عوضه في قضاء ديار مصر على أن يعطي مال الأيتام ويعطي من ماله مائة ألف درهم أخرى فضة، وخلع عليه، ودخل القاهرة من باب النصر بالتشريف. قلت: هذا هو الكريم الذي تكرم بماله ودينه.
791 AH, 17/12
Chief Cadi Badr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʾAbī l-Baqāʾ was appointed Judge of Egypt in his place, with the stipulation that he should surrender the orphans’ funds and contribute another 100,000 silver dirhams of his own money. The robe of honour was then bestowed upon him, and he entered Cairo through Succor Gate, wearing the robe of office. I say that such is the truly generous man - one who is religious in his wealth and his religion!
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