Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Ḥawādith (Sh) 1: 245, 11 - 246, 2

1: 245, 11 - 246, 2
وفي يوم السبت ثامن عشرينه عزل الأمير دقماق عن الزردكاشية، واسترجع منه الإمرة المنعم بها عليه من إقطاع الأمير تغري برمش الزردكاش، وأعيد إليه إقطاعه القديم، ثم رد إليه ما كان حمله للخزانة الشريفة من الذهب بسبب الزردكاشية والإمرة، فإنه كان قد التزم بحمل أربع آلاف دينار فحمل منها بعضها وسبب عزله أغرب، وهو أنه لما ولي الزرداكشية أراد عرض الزردخاناة ليظهر بذلك نتيجة للسلطان، فعظم ذلك على ناظر الزردخاناة بدر الدين بن ظهير وغيره، ودخل بدر الدين إلى السلطان وأوغر خاطر السلطان على دقماق، فاستجاب إلى كلامه وعزله واسترجع منه الإمرة، ورده إلى الجندية، واستقر الأمير لاجين الظاهري عوضه زردكاشا، وأعجب من هذا أن إقطاع دقماق القديم كان قد أنعم به السلطان على شخص يسمي دانبك الأشرفي الشهير بالظريف أحد الدوادارية الصغار، وأنعم بإقطاع دانبك المذكور على جانبك البواب القادم من مكة المشرفة والمخبر بموت الأمير تغري برمش الزردكاش، فلما رد السلطان إقطاع دقماق القديم إليه صار جانبك الدوادار بلا إقطاع فإن إقطاعه خرج لجانبك البواب فأعطاه السلطان الإمرة المنعم بها على دقماق المذكور ولم يكن المذكور من الخاصكية المرشحين للإمرة.
854 AH, Sa 28th/11:
On Saturday the 28th amir Duqmāq was dismissed from the zardkāshīya and the amirate that was bestowed on him -of the ʾiqṭāʿ of zardkāsh amir Taghrī Brimish- was reclaimed from him. He was assigned his former ʾiqṭāʿ. After that he was returned what he had brought to the august treasury of gold for the zardkāshīya and the amirate. He had to bring 4000 dinar, some of which he already had brought.
The reason for his dismissal was strange. When he was bestowed the zardkāshīya, he wanted to inspect the zardkāshkhānah to bring to light some gains with this to the sultan. This became distressing for the nāẓir zardkāshkhānah, Badr al-Dīn b. Ẓahīr, and others. Badr al-Dīn entered to the sultan and aroused the sultan’s anger against Duqmāq. He responded positively to his words and dismissed him. He took back the amirate from him and returned him to the jundīya. He appointed amir Lājīn al-Ẓāhirī as his replacement as zardkāsh.
Most surprising of this was that the old ʾiqṭāʿ of Duqmāq already had been granted by the sultan to someone called Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī -known as al-Ẓarīf-, one of the dawādārīya ṣighār, while the ʾiqṭāʿ of this Jānibak was granted to Jānibak al-Bawwāb, who came from Makka and brought the news of the death of zardkāsh amir Taghrī Birmish.
When the sultan returned Duqmāq’s old ʾiqṭāʿ to him, dawādār Jānibak became without ʾiqṭāʿ, since his ʾiqṭāʿ had gone to Jānibak al-Bawwāb. So the sultan gave him the ʾimra that had been given to the mentioned Duqmāq. But this Jānibak was not of the khāṣṣakīya that could be nominated for iqṭāʿ.
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Practice (22)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0854-11-16 Informing death Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī al-Bawwāb unknown Informing death Janibak al-Zahiri al-Bawwab unknown
0854-11-16 Arriving Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī al-Bawwāb Arriving Janibak al-Zahiri al-Bawwab
0854-11-28 Removing income ʾiqtāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Removing income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0854-11-28 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0854-11-28 Direct benefit money al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Direct benefit money al-Zahir Jaqmaq Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Removing income ʾiqtāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Removing income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Removing income ʾiqtāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Removing income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī al-Bawwāb Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Janibak al-Zahiri al-Bawwab
0854-11-28 Removing income ʾiqtāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Removing income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0854-11-28 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Jaqmaq Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0854-11-28 Performing household Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Wālid b. Ẓāhir Performing household Duqmaq al-Yashbaki Walid b. Zahir
0854-11-28 Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Quarreling displaying unhappiness Wālid b. Ẓāhir Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Quarreling displaying unhappiness Walid b. Zahir Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Acting other Wālid b. Ẓāhir Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Acting other Walid b. Zahir Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Negative communication subterfuge Wālid b. Ẓāhir al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Negative communication subterfuge Walid b. Zahir al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0854-11-28 Appointing zardkāsh al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Lājīn al-Ẓāhirī Jaqmaq Appointing zardkash al-Zahir Jaqmaq Lajin al-Zahiri Jaqmaq
0854-11-28 Degrading jund al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Degrading jund al-Zahir Jaqmaq Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Dismissing zardkāsh al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Dismissing zardkash al-Zahir Jaqmaq Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Discharging zardkāsh al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Duqmāq al-Yashbakī Discharging zardkash al-Zahir Jaqmaq Duqmaq al-Yashbaki
0854-11-28 Paying (manṣab) ʾamīr 010 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) Duqmāq al-Yashbakī al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Paying (mansab) `amir 010 (al-Qahira/Cairo) Duqmaq al-Yashbaki al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0854-11-28 Paying (manṣab) zardkāsh Duqmāq al-Yashbakī al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Paying (mansab) zardkash Duqmaq al-Yashbaki al-Zahir Jaqmaq

Places (1)
