Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 493, 14 - 494, 6

5: 493, 14 - 494, 6
ووقف منطاش في الميمنة على ميسرة الظاهر برقوق، والتقى الفريقان في يوم الأحد رابع عشر للمحرم في سنة اثنتين وتسعين وتصادما، واقتتل الفريقان قتالاً عظيماً لم يقع مثله في سالف الأعصار. وحمل منطاش من الميمنة على ميسرة الظاهر، وحمل أصحاب ميمنة الظاهر على ميسرة الملك المنصور، وبذل كل من الفريقين جهده، وثبتت كل طائفة للأخرى، فكانت بينهما حروب شديدة انهزم فيها ميمنة الملك الظاهر وميسرته، وتبعهم منطاش بمن معه، وثبت الملك الظاهر في القلب، وقد انقطع عنه خبر أصحابه، وأيقن بالهلاك وبينما هو في ذلك لاح له طلائع السلطان الملك المنصور، وقد انكشف الغبار عنه، فحمل الملك الظاهر بمن بقي معه على الملك المنصور، فأخذه وأخذ الخليفة المتوكل على الله والقضاة والخزائن، ومالت الطائفة التي ثبتت معه على أثقال المصريين، فأخذوها على آخرها، وكانت شيئاً يخرج عن الحد في الكثرة.
792 AH, 14/01
Minṭāsh himself was stationed on the right of the egyptian forces, opposite to al-Ẓāhir’s left. The two armies met in attack on Sunday, muḥarram 14, 792, and fought in a battle the like of which had never been witnessed in past ages. Minṭāsh charged from the right against al-Ẓāhir’s left, while al-Ẓāhir’s allies on his right charged against al-malik al-Manṣūr’s left. Each side exerted effort to hold its ground, and a series of terrific battles was fought in which al-Ẓāhir’s right and left both were finally forced to retreat, pursued by Minṭāsh and his forces. But al-Ẓāhir himself though he lost all communication wth his allies and felt certain that he was lost, remained firm in the center. Suddenly, however, while he was in this position, the dust of battle cleared away, and there was revealed to him the vanguard of al-malik al-Manṣūr’s army; al-Ẓāhir, leading his remaining forces in a charge against al-Manṣūr, captured both him and the caliph al-Mutawakkil ʿalā Allāh and the Judges, together with the Egyptian treasure chests. The detachment which had stood firm with him then made for the baggage of the Egyptians, which was extensive beyond description, and captured it in its entirety.
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Actors (0)

Practice (5)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0792-01-14 Arresting capturing al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-Malik al-Manṣūr Ḥājjī Arresting capturing al-Zahir Barquq al-Malik al-Mansur Hajji
0792-01-14 Arresting capturing al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-Mutawakkil ʿalā Allāh Arresting capturing al-Zahir Barquq al-Mutawakkil 'ala Allah
0792-01-14 Arresting capturing al-Ẓāhir Barqūq qāḍī / quḍāt Arresting capturing al-Zahir Barquq qadi / qudat
0792-01-14 Battling military campaign Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Battling military campaign Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash al-Zahir Barquq
0792-01-14 Informing military campaign unknown al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Informing military campaign unknown al-Zahir Barquq

Institutions (0)

Places (1)
