Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 499, 20 - 500, 10

5: 499, 20 - 500, 10
وندم صراي تمر على نزوله من الإسطبل، ولبس هو وقطلوبغا الحاجب آلة الحرب، وأرسلوا إلى تكا بأن يقاتل المماليك الظاهرية من أعلى القلعة، وهم يقاتلونهم من تحت، فرمى تكا عليهم من الرفرف والقصر، وساعده الأمير مقبل أمير سلاح ودمرداش القشتمري بمن معه من مماليكهم والمماليك المقيمين بالقلعة، فقاتلهم المماليك الظاهرية. وتسامعت المماليك الظاهرية البطالة ومن كان مختفياً منهم، فجاؤوهم من كل مكان، وكذلك المماليك اليلبغاوية، وغيرهم من حواشي الملك الظاهر برقوق، ومن حواشي يلبغا الناصري وغيره من الأمراء الممسوكين، وكبسوا سجن الديلم، وأخرجوا من كان به محبوساً من المماليك وغيرهم. ثم بعثوا إلى خزانة شمائل فكسروا بابها وأخرجوا من كان بها أيضاً من المماليك اليلبغاوية والظاهرية وغيرهم، ثم فعلوا ذلك بحبس الرحبة، فقوي أمر بطا ورفقته وكثر جمعهم، فخاف حسين بن الكوراني وهرب واختفى.
792 AH, 02/02
Ṣarāy Tamur, regretting that he had gone down from the Stables, now armed himself; Quṭlūbughā the chamberlain did likewise, and they sent word to Tukā to attack the mamlūks ẓāhirīya from the top of the citadel, while they themselves would fight them below. Tukā shot upon them from the Rafraf Barrack and from the Castle, being assisted in this by amir Muqbil, amir of the arms, and Damurdāsh al-Qushtamurī, as well as by their own mamlūks and the other mamlūks stationed in the citadel. The mamlūks ẓāhirīya fought back, and when the news spread among other mamlūks ẓāhirīya who were out of service or in hiding they came to their companions from all sides, as did also the Yalbughāwīya and others of the followers of al-Ẓāhir himself, of Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī, and of the other amirs who had been arrested. They then broke open the Daylam prison and set free the mamlūks and other prisoners there; next they sent to the Shamāʾil Treasury, broke open its gate, and freed the imprisoned yalbughāwīya, ẓāhirīya, and other mamlūks; and finally they did the same with the prison of the Raḥaba. Buṭā and his companions now had many supporters and had gained greatly in strength, while on the other hand Ḥusayn ibn al-Kūrānī fled in fear and went into hiding.
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Practice (15)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0792-02-02 Supporting support ḥawāshī Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) Supporting support hawashi Yalbugha al-Nasiri mamalik zahiriya (Barquq)
0792-02-02 Informing fitna Ṣarāy Tamur al-Timurbāʾī Tukā al-ʾAshrafī Informing fitna Saray Tamur al-Timurba`i Tuka al-`Ashrafi
0792-02-02 Supporting support al-Yalbughāwīya (Yalbughā al-ʿUmarī) mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) Supporting support al-Yalbughawiya (Yalbugha al-'Umari) mamalik zahiriya (Barquq)
0792-02-02 Serving other Damurdāsh al-Qushtamirī Tukā al-ʾAshrafī Serving other Damurdash al-Qushtamiri Tuka al-`Ashrafi
0792-02-02 Obeying military action Damurdāsh al-Qushtamirī Tukā al-ʾAshrafī Obeying military action Damurdash al-Qushtamiri Tuka al-`Ashrafi
0792-02-02 Supporting support mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) Supporting support mamalik zahiriya (Barquq) mamalik zahiriya (Barquq)
0792-02-02 Direct benefit change of sentence mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) al-Yalbughāwīya (Yalbughā al-ʿUmarī) Direct benefit change of sentence mamalik zahiriya (Barquq) al-Yalbughawiya (Yalbugha al-'Umari)
0792-02-02 Direct benefit change of sentence mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) Direct benefit change of sentence mamalik zahiriya (Barquq) mamalik zahiriya (Barquq)
0792-02-02 Direct benefit change of sentence mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Direct benefit change of sentence mamalik zahiriya (Barquq) zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab
0792-02-02 Serving other Muqbil al-Tamirbāwī Tukā al-ʾAshrafī Serving other Muqbil al-Tamirbawi Tuka al-`Ashrafi
0792-02-02 Obeying military action Muqbil al-Tamirbāwī Tukā al-ʾAshrafī Obeying military action Muqbil al-Tamirbawi Tuka al-`Ashrafi
0792-02-02 Informing fitna Quṭlūbughā al-Ṣafawī Tukā al-ʾAshrafī Informing fitna Qutlubugha al-Safawi Tuka al-`Ashrafi
0792-02-02 Battling street violence Tukā al-ʾAshrafī mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) Battling street violence Tuka al-`Ashrafi mamalik zahiriya (Barquq)
0792-02-02 Obeying military action zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Tukā al-ʾAshrafī Obeying military action zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab Tuka al-`Ashrafi
0792-02-02 Fleeing Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī b. al-Kūrānī Fleeing Husayn b. 'Ali b. al-Kurani

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