Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 505, 10-17

5: 505, 10-17
وأما الملك المنصور حاجي فإنه عاد إلى ديار مصر صحبة الملك الظاهر برقوق محتفظاً به وهو في غاية ما يكون من الإكرام، وطلع إلى القلعة وسكن بها بالحوش السلطاني على عادة أولاد الأسياد، ودام عند أهله وعياله إلى أن مات بها في ليلة الأربعاء تاسع عشر شوال سنة أربع عشرة وثمانمائة، ودفن بتربة جدته لأبيه خوند بركة بخط التبانة بالقرب من باب الوزير خارج القاهرة، بعد أن تسلطن مرتين. وكان لقب في أول سلطنته بالملك الصالح وفي الثانية بالملك المنصور، ولا نعلم سلطاناً غير لقبه غيره. ومات الملك المنصور هذا عن بضع وأربعين سنة،
As for al-malik al-Manṣūr Ḥājjī himself: he returned to Egypt in company with al-Ẓāhir, well guarded and treated with the greatest honors, and ascended to the Citadel. He took up his residence in the Royal Park in the citadel (al-ḥawsh al-sulṭānī), as was customary for the children of princes (ʾawlād al-ʾasyād); and he remained with his people and family until he died there on the eve of Wednesday, Shawwāl 19, 814. He was buried in the tomb of his paternal grandmother, the Princess Baraka, in the Tabbāna quarter near the Vizier’s Gate, outside Cairo.
Al-Manṣūr had twice been sultan; in his first sultanate his throne name was al-malik al-Ṣāliḥ, in his second, al-malik al-Manṣūr, and he was the only sultan known to me whose name was thus changed.
At his death he was forty-odd years old.
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Practice (2)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0792-02-13 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-Malik al-Manṣūr Ḥājjī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq al-Malik al-Mansur Hajji
0814-10-19 Dying al-Malik al-Manṣūr Ḥājjī Dying al-Malik al-Mansur Hajji

Institutions (0)

Places (1)
