Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 506, 11-20

5: 506, 11-20
وله من ذلك أشياء كثيرة. وكان الملك الظاهر -قبل أن يتكسح - يرسل خلفه في مجلس أنسه وينادمه في غالب الأوقات، وتكرر ذلك منه سنين. وكان إذا غلب عليه السكر تسفه على الملك الظاهر، ويخاطبه باسمه من غير تحشم، فيبتسم الملك الظاهر ويقول لحواشي الملك المنصور: خذوا سيدي أمير حاج وردوه إلى بيته، فيقوم على حاله، وهو مستمر في السب واللعن، فيعظم ذلك على حواشي الملك الظاهر، ويكلمون الملك الظاهر في عدم الاجتماع به، فلا يلتفت إلى كلامهم، فيصبح المنصور يعتذر للسلطان فيما وقع منه في أمسه فلما تكرر منه ذلك غير مرة، تركه وصار لا يجتمع به إلا في الأعياد والمواسم، فلما بطلت حركته انقطع عنه بالكلية.
Before 19/10/814
“And Manṣūr was guilty of many other similar deeds. During many years, before al-Manṣūr was crippled, al-malik al-Ẓāhir was generally accustomed to send for him to attend his social gatherings (majlis ʾunsi-hi), and would treat him as a boon companion. On such occasions when al-Manṣūr was intoxicated he would become boorish in his attitude toward al-Ẓāhir, and address him, without any show of respect (taḥashshum) by his personal name. Al-Ẓāhir would then smile and say to al-Manṣūr’s attendants: ‘Take the prince (sayyidī) ʾAmīr Ḥājjī home”, while al-Manṣūr would continue his reviling and cursing. This used to vex al-Ẓāhir’s attendants, who would urge him not to continue his association with al-Manṣūr, but al-Ẓāhir would pay no attention to them, and the next morning al-Manṣūr would apologize to the sultan for what he had done the previous day. AFter a while, however, when this had recurred many times, al-Ẓāhir would not meet him except at festivals (al-ʾaʿyād) and on state occasions (al-mawāsim); and finally, when al-Manṣūr lost the ability to move, al-Ẓāhir cut himself off from him entirely.
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