Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 520, 1-21

5: 520, 1-21
ثم في سابع عشر صفر قدم الأمراء من الإسكندرية إلى بر الجيزة، فباتوا به، وعدوا في ثامن عشره وطلعوا إلى القلعة، وهم سبعة عشر أميراً: أعظمهم الأتابك يلبغا الناصري، الذي كان خرج على الملك الظاهر، وقبض عليه وحبسه بالكرك؛ ثم الأمير ألطنبغا الجوباني نائب الشام الذي كان قبض على الملك الظاهر برقوق من بيت أبي يزيد، وطلع به إلى القلعة نهاراً؛ ثم الأمير الكبير قرادمرداش الأحمدي الذي كان الظاهر جعله أتابك العساكر بديار مصر، وأنعم عليه بثلاثين ألف دينار، فتركه وتوجه إلى يلبغا الناصري المقدم ذكره؛ والأمير ألطنبغا المعلم أمير سلاح - وهؤلاء الأربعة من أعيان اليلبغاوية خشداشية الملك الظاهر برقوق - ثم الأمير أحمد بن يلبغا أمير مجلس الذي كان سبباً لكسرة عسكر الملك الظاهر بدمشق بهروبه إلى الناصري، والأمير قردم الحسني اليلبغاوي رأس نوبة النوب، والأمير سودون باق أحد أمراء الألوف اليلبغاوية، والأمير سودون طرنطاي أحد الألوف أيضاً، والأمير آقبغا المارديني الأستادار أحد الألوف، وكشلي القلمطاوى وبجاس النوروزي - كلاهما أيضاً مقدم ألف- ومأمور القلمطاوي نائب حماة والكرك؛ وألطنبغا الأشرفي أحد الألوف أيضاً، ويلبغا المنجكي، ويونس العثماني، فوقف الجميع بين يدى الملك الظاهر برقوق وقبلوا الأرض له، وهم في غاية ما يكون من الخجل والحياء منه، بما تقدم منهم في حقه؛ فرحب بهم الملك الظاهر، وطيب خواطرهم، ولم يذكر لهم ما فعلوه به، ولا عتبهم عن شيء مما وقع منهم في حقه، بل أكرمهم غاية الإكرام بكل ما يمكن القدرة إليه؛ ثم أمرهم بالنزول إلى بيوتهم؛ فنزل الجميع وهم في غاية السرور.
792 AH, 17-18/02
Ṣafar 17. The amirs from Alexandira arrived at the Jīza bank of the Nile, and slept there that night.
On the 18th they crossed to Cairo and ascended to the citadel. They numbered seventeen, the most important being the ʾatābak Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī, who had rebelled against al-Ẓāhir and had captured and imprisoned him in al-Karak. Next in order of importance were ʾAlṭunbughā al-Jūbānī, governor of Damascus, who had arrested al-Ẓāhir at ʾAbū Yazīd’s house and taken him up to the citadel in daylight; Great Amir Qarā Damurdāsh al-ʾAḥmadī, whom al-Ẓāhir had made ʾatābak al-ʿasākir in Egypt and given 30,000 dinars but who then deserted him for Yalbughā; and amir ʾAlṭunbughā al-Muʿallim, amir of arms; these four were among the most prominent of the yalbughāwīya barrack comrades (khushdāshīya) of al-malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq himself.
Next were these amirs: ʾAḥmad ibn Yalbughā, amir of the council, who by his flight to al-Nāṣirī had been the cause of the defeat of al-Ẓāhir’s army at Damascus; Qardam al-Ḥasanī al-Yalbughāwī, raʾs nawbat al-nuwab; Sūdūn Bāq, one of the yalbughāwī amir of 100; Sūdūn Ṭurunṭāy, another amir of 100; ʾĀqbughā al-Māridīnī al-ʾustādār amir of 100; Kushlī al-Qalamṭāwī and Bajās al-Nawrūzī, both amirs of 100; Maʾmūr al-Qalamṭāwī, governor of Ḥamā and al-Karak; ʾAlṭunbughā al-ʾAshrafī, an amir of 100; Yalbughā al-Manjakī; and Yūnus al-ʿUthmānī. All were brought into the presence of al-Ẓāhir, and, with extreme humiliation and shame because of their actions toward him, kissed the ground before him. Al-Ẓāhir, however, spoke words of welcome to them and put their minds at ease; he did not remind them of what they had done to him nor in any way reproach them their conduct toward him; on the contrary he exerted himself to the utmost to treat them with the greatest honor and then ordered them to descend to their homes, which they did with the greatest joy.
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Practice (54)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0791-02-10 Quarreling insubordination Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Quarreling insubordination Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-Zahir Barquq
0791-04-21 Deserting al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAḥmad b. Yalbughā al-ʿUmarī Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Deserting al-Zahir Barquq `Ahmad b. Yalbugha al-'Umari Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0791-05-13 Appointing ʾatābak ʿasākir (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qarā Damurdāsh al-ʾAḥmadī Appointing `atabak 'asakir (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Zahir Barquq Qara Damurdash al-`Ahmadi
0791-06-03 Direct benefit money al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qarā Damurdāsh al-ʾAḥmadī Direct benefit money al-Zahir Barquq Qara Damurdash al-`Ahmadi
0791-06-04 Deserting al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qarā Damurdāsh al-ʾAḥmadī Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Deserting al-Zahir Barquq Qara Damurdash al-`Ahmadi Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0791-06-13 Arresting seizing ʾAlṭunbughā al-Jūbānī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Arresting seizing `Altunbugha al-Jubani al-Zahir Barquq
0791-06-13 Arresting prison Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Arresting prison Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-Zahir Barquq
0791-06-13 Arresting transfer Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Arresting transfer Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-Zahir Barquq
0792-02-17 Arriving ʾumarāʾ Arriving `umara`
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-Jūbānī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-Jubani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-Jūbānī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-Jubani
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qarā Damurdāsh al-ʾAḥmadī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Qara Damurdash al-`Ahmadi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qarā Damurdāsh al-ʾAḥmadī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Qara Damurdash al-`Ahmadi
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-Muʿallim Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-Mu'allim
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-Muʿallim Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-Mu'allim
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAḥmad b. Yalbughā al-ʿUmarī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq `Ahmad b. Yalbugha al-'Umari
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAḥmad b. Yalbughā al-ʿUmarī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq `Ahmad b. Yalbugha al-'Umari
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qardam* al-Ḥasanī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Qardam* al-Hasani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qardam* al-Ḥasanī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Qardam* al-Hasani
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Sūdūn Bāq Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Sudun Baq
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Sūdūn Bāq Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Sudun Baq
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Sūdūn al-Ṭurunṭāy Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Sudun al-Turuntay
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Sūdūn al-Ṭurunṭāy Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Sudun al-Turuntay
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾĀqbughā al-Māridānī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq `Aqbugha al-Maridani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾĀqbughā al-Māridānī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq `Aqbugha al-Maridani
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Kushlā al-Qalamṭāwī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Kushla al-Qalamtawi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Kushlā al-Qalamṭāwī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Kushla al-Qalamtawi
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Bajās al-Nawrūzī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Bajas al-Nawruzi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Bajās al-Nawrūzī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Bajas al-Nawruzi
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Maʾmūr al-Qalamṭāwī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Ma`mur al-Qalamtawi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Maʾmūr al-Qalamṭāwī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Ma`mur al-Qalamtawi
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-ʾAshrafī al-Ḥalabī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-`Ashrafi al-Halabi
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yalbughā al-Manjakī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Yalbugha al-Manjaki
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yalbughā al-Manjakī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Yalbugha al-Manjaki
0792-02-18 Meeting reconciliation al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yūnus al-ʿUthmānī Meeting reconciliation al-Zahir Barquq Yunus al-'Uthmani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yūnus al-ʿUthmānī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq Yunus al-'Uthmani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-ʾAshrafī al-Ḥalabī Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-`Ashrafi al-Halabi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Bajās al-Nawrūzī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Bajas al-Nawruzi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Kushlā al-Qalamṭāwī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Kushla al-Qalamtawi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Maʾmūr al-Qalamṭāwī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Ma`mur al-Qalamtawi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qarā Damurdāsh al-ʾAḥmadī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Qara Damurdash al-`Ahmadi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qardam* al-Ḥasanī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Qardam* al-Hasani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Sūdūn al-Ṭurunṭāy Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Sudun al-Turuntay
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Sūdūn Bāq Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Sudun Baq
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yalbughā al-Manjakī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Yalbugha al-Manjaki
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Yūnus al-ʿUthmānī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq Yunus al-'Uthmani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAḥmad b. Yalbughā al-ʿUmarī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq `Ahmad b. Yalbugha al-'Umari
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-Jūbānī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-Jubani
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-Muʿallim Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-Mu'allim
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾAlṭunbughā al-ʾAshrafī al-Ḥalabī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq `Altunbugha al-`Ashrafi al-Halabi
0792-02-18 Direct benefit honour al-Ẓāhir Barqūq ʾĀqbughā al-Māridānī Direct benefit honour al-Zahir Barquq `Aqbugha al-Maridani

Places (4)