Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 526, 9 - 527, 10

5: 526, 9 - 527, 10
ثم قدم الخبر على السلطان من حلب بان الأمير كمشبغا الحموي نائب حلب لما انهزم وتوجه إلى حلب جهّز إليه مبطاش من دمشق بعد عود الملك الظاهر إلى مصر عسكراً عليه الأمير تمان تمر الأشرفي فوصل تمان تمر المذكور إلى حلب واجتمع به أهل بانقوسا وقاتلوا كمشبغا المذكور وحصروه بقلعة حلب نحو أربعة أشهر ونصف واحرقوا الباب والجسر ونقبوا القلعة من ثلاثة مواضع فنقب كمشبغا على أحد النقوب الحديد وصار يقاتلهم من النقب فوق السبعين يوماً وهو في ضوء الشموع بحيث أنه لا ينظر شمساً ولا قمراً ولا يعرف الليل من النهار وقاسى شدائد ومحناً ودام ذلك عليه إلى ان بلغ تمان تمر فرار منطاش من دمشق فضعف أمره فثار عليه أهل بانقوسا ونهبوه فحضر حاجب حجّاب حلب إلى الأمير كمشبغا واعلمه بذلك فعمر كمشبغا الجسر في يوم واحد ونزل وقاتل أهل بانقوسا يومين وقد أقاموا عليهم رجلاً يعرف بأحمد ابن الحرامي فلما كان اليوم الثالث بعد العصر انكسر أحمد ابن الحرامي وقبض كمشبغا عليه وعلى أخيه وعلى نحو الثمانمائة من الأتراك والأمراء والبانقوسيّة فوسّطهم كمشبغا باجمعهم وأخرب بانقوسا حتّى صارت دكّا ونهب جميع ما فيها
ثمّ انّ الكتاب يتضمّن أيضاً انّ كمشبغا بالغ في تحصين قلعة حلب وعمارتها واعدّ بها مؤنة عشر سنين وانّه جمع من أهل حلب مبلغ ألف ألف درهم وعمر سور مدينة حلب وكان منذ خربه هولاكو خراباً فجاء في غاية الحسن وعمل له بابين وفرغه في نحو الشهرين ونصف وكان أكثر أهل حلب يعمل فيه وانّ الأمير شهاب الدين أحمد ابن المهمندار والأمير طغجى نائب دوركي كان لهما قيام تامّ مع الأمير كمشبغا في هذه الوقعة انتهى
قلتُ يقال انّه قُتل في واقعة كشبغا مع الحلبيين بحلب نحو العشرين ألفاً من الفريقين
792 AH, after 13/07
The sultan then received a report from Aleppo that when amir Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī, governor of Aleppo, had fled to that city after the return of al-Ẓāhir to Egypt, Minṭāsh had sent against hims from Damascus an army under command of amir Tumān Tamur al-ʾAshrafī; that on the arrival of the latter at Aleppo the inhabitants of Bānaqūsā had joined him in attacking Kumushbughā and besieging him in the citadel of Aleppo. The siege had continued four and a half months, the gate and bridge had been burned, and the citadel mined in three places. Kumushbughā, however, had countermined from on the top, down to one of these mines, and after shooting with catapults upon those within the mine had caught them up with iron grapnels. he had continued fighting from his countermine for more than seventy days by candlelight, never getting a glimpse of sun or moon, unable to tell day from night, and undergoing many hardships and trials. This continued until news of the flight of Minṭāsh from Aleppo reached Tumān Tamur; the latter’s positions then had become weakened, and the inhabitants of Bānaqūsā had risen against him and robbed him. The grand chamberlain of Aleppo had then carried this information to Kumushbughā, who had repaired the bridge in a single day, and descending to the city had fought the people of Bānaqūsā. The latter had established as their commander a man named ʾAḥmad Ibn al-Ḥarāmī, who was defeated by Kumushbughā on the third day and captured together with his brother and about 800 Turks, amirs, and inhabitants of Bānaqūsā. Kumushbughā had then put them all to death by halving them at the waist, and after plunedering Bānaqūsā of all its contents had destroyed and leveled it to the ground.
This letter contained also the report that Kumushbughā had exerted all efforts to fortify and restore the citadel of Aleppo, and had laid up supplies there sufficient for ten years. He had also collected from the inhabitants of Aleppo the sum of a million dirhams and restored the city walls, which had been in a state of ruin ever since their destruction by Hūlākū; they had now been provided with two gates by Kumushbughā and had likewise been greatly beautified. He had finished this work in about two months and a half, most of the people of the city having assisted in the rebuilding. During these events, the report stated, amirs Shihāb al-Dīn ʾAḥmad ibn al-Mihmandār and Ṭughjī, governor of Dawrakī, had given Kumushbughā complete cooperation. I remark here that in the contest between Kumushbughā and the Aleppans about twenty thousand of the two parties were killed.
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Actors (1)

Name Extra
Ṭughjī Tughji

Practice (19)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0792-07-13 Obeying military action ʾAḥmad b. al-Mihmandār Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī Obeying military action `Ahmad b. al-Mihmandar Kumushbugha al-Hamawi
0792-07-13 Paying taxes ʾAhl Ḥalab Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī Paying taxes `Ahl Halab Kumushbugha al-Hamawi
0792-07-13 Looting UNKWN ʾahl Bānaqūsā Tumantamur al-ʾAshrafī Looting UNKWN `ahl Banaqusa Tumantamur al-`Ashrafi
0792-07-13 Obeying military action ʾahl Bānaqūsā ʾAḥmad b. al-Ḥarāmī Obeying military action `ahl Banaqusa `Ahmad b. al-Harami
0792-07-13 Obeying military action Ṭughjī Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī Obeying military action Tughji Kumushbugha al-Hamawi
0792-07-13 Battling street violence Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾahl Bānaqūsā Battling street violence Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `ahl Banaqusa
0792-07-13 Construction miltary Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾAhl Ḥalab Construction miltary Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `Ahl Halab
0792-07-13 Looting general Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾahl Bānaqūsā Looting general Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `ahl Banaqusa
0792-07-13 Construction public Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī unknown Construction public Kumushbugha al-Hamawi unknown
0792-07-13 Arresting capturing Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾumarāʾ Arresting capturing Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `umara`
0792-07-13 Arresting capturing Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī al-Turk Arresting capturing Kumushbugha al-Hamawi al-Turk
0792-07-13 Arresting capturing Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾAḥmad b. al-Ḥarāmī Arresting capturing Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `Ahmad b. al-Harami
0792-07-13 Punishing execution Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾAḥmad b. al-Ḥarāmī Punishing execution Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `Ahmad b. al-Harami
0792-07-13 Arresting capturing Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾahl Bānaqūsā Arresting capturing Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `ahl Banaqusa
0792-07-13 Performing financial Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī ʾAhl Ḥalab Performing financial Kumushbugha al-Hamawi `Ahl Halab
0792-07-13 Ordering military campaign Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Tumantamur al-ʾAshrafī Ordering military campaign Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash Tumantamur al-`Ashrafi
0792-07-13 Battling other Tumantamur al-ʾAshrafī Kumushbughā al-Ḥamawī Battling other Tumantamur al-`Ashrafi Kumushbugha al-Hamawi
0792-07-13 Informing fitna unknown Tumantamur al-ʾAshrafī Informing fitna unknown Tumantamur al-`Ashrafi
0792-07-13 Dying unknown Dying unknown

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