Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 528, 20- 529, 1

5: 528, 20- 529, 1
ثم عاد الناصري إلى سلمية بعد أن مهّد أمر الشام واجتمع مع أصحابه النوّاب فذكروا له أنّ منطاشاً فرق أصحابه ثلاث فرق، فأشار عليهم الناصري بأنه أيضاً يفرق أصحابه وعساكره، فتفرقوا هم أيضاً ثلاث فرق الناصري فرقة والجوباني فرقة وقرادمرداش نائب طرابلس فرقة
792 AH, after 20/07
After setting the affairs of Damascus in order al-Nāṣirī had returned to Salamīya and had conferred with his allies, the governors. They reported to him that Minṭāsh had divided his forces into three divisions, and al-Nāṣirī proposed to them that he should similarly divide his allies and armies. They had accordingly formed three divisions, one under al-Nāṣirī, one under al-Jūbānī, and one under Qarā Damurdāsh, governor of Tripoli.
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