al-Maqrīzī, Sulūk 4: 918, 17- 919, 4

4: 918, 17- 919, 4
وفي يوم الاثنين تاسع عشرينه: كسفت الشمس في آخر الساعة الرابعة، فتغير لونها تغيراً يسيراً، ولم
يشعر بها أكثر الناس ولا اجتمعوا للصلاة بالجوامع على العادة؛ لقلة الشعور بذلك. ثم انجلى الكسوف
سريعاً. وكان بعض من يزعم علم النجوم لقلة درايته وكثرة جرأته قد أرجف قبل ذلك بأيام، وشنع بأمر
الكسوف، وما يدل عليه، حتى اشتهر إرجافه وتشنيعه، وداخل بعض الناس الوهم. فلما لم يكن من أمر
الكسوف كبير شيء، طلب السلطان طائفة ممن يتحل هذا الفن من أهل التقويم، وأنكر عليهم وهددهم.
837 AH, 29/10
On Monday the 29th the sun was eclipsed at the end of the fourth hour, and its color changed slightly. Most of the people did not notice, and they did not gather to pray in mosques as they usually would have, because they did not notice it. Then the eclipse disappeared quickly. There was someone claiming knowledge of the stars who, due to the small amount of his awareness, and the large amount of his insolence, had spread rumors about that for days. He cursed the eclipse and what it indicated, until his rumors and curses became infamous. Some of the people believed what he said. When nothing great happened from the eclipse, the sultan summoned a group of people who claimed knowledge of this art from among the chronologers (ʾahl al-taqwīm). He cursed them and threatened them.
Related properties

Events (1)

Practice (2)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0837-10-29 Ordering attendance al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy ʾahl taqwīm Ordering attendance al-`Ashraf Barsbay `ahl taqwim
0837-10-29 Negative communication threatening al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy ʾahl taqwīm Negative communication threatening al-`Ashraf Barsbay `ahl taqwim

Places (1)
