Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 535, 1-10

5: 535, 1-10
ثمّ قدم البريد من الشام بأنّ منطاشاً في أوّل شهر رجب قدم دمشق وكان من خبره أنّ الناصري لمّا كان بدمشق ورد عليه الخبر بمجيء منطاش إليه فخرج من وقته بعساكره يريد لقاءه على حين غفلة ومرّ من طريق الزبداني فبادر أحمد بن شكر بجماعة البيدمريّة ودخل دمشق من باب كيسان ونهب إسطبل الناصري وإسطبلات أمراء دمشق وخرج يوم الأحد تاسع عشرين جمادى الآخرة من دمشق ليلحق منطاش فدخل منطاش من صبيحة اليوم وهو يوم الاثنين أوّل رجب إلى دمشق من طريق آخرى ونزل بالقصر الأبلق ونزل جماعته حوله فعاد ابن شكر في إثره إلى دمشق وأحضر إليه الخيول التي أخذها وهي نحو ثمان مائة فرس
793 AH, 29/06-01/07
Then a report came by post from Syria that Minṭāsh had arrived at Damascus on rajab 1. What had happened was as follows: News had come to al-Nāṣirī while he was in Damascus that Minṭāsh was advancing toward that city, and he immediatly led out his forces from the city by way of al-Zabadānī with the intention of attacking Minṭāsh by surprise. After he had left, ʾAḥmad ibn Shukr with a party of the Baydamurī mamlūks hastened into Damascus by the Kaysān Gate, and plundered the stable of al-Nāṣirī as well as the stables of the Damascus amirs; and then on Sunday, II jumādā 29, went out from the city to meet Minṭāsh. The latter, however, entered it on the morning of Monday, Rajab 1, by another road, and alighted at the striped castle, while his followers encamped about him. Ibn SHukr then returned to Damascus and brought to him the horses which he had seized, numbering about 800.
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