Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 535, 10-16

5: 535, 10-16
وكان منطاش لمّا خرج من عند نعير يريد دمشق ثمّ سار إلى مرعش على العمق حتّى قدم على حماة فطرق نائبها بغتة فانهزم منه نائب حماة إلى نحو طرابلس من غير قتال فدخل منطاش حماة ولم يُحدث بها مظلمة
ثمّ توجّه منها إلى حمص ففرّ منه أيضاً نائبها إلى دمشق ومعه نائب بعلبكّ واجتمعا بالناصري وعرّفاه الخبر فخرج الناصري على الفور كما قدّمنا ذكره من طريقٍ وجاء منطاش من طريق آخرى انتهى
793 AH, before 29/06
Before this events Minṭāsh, when he left amir Nuʿayr with the purpose of going to Damascus, had proceeded from* Marʿash by way of the Plain of Antioch until he reached Ḥamā; there he had made a surprise attack upon its governor, who had fled toward Tripoli without giving battle. Minṭāsh had entered the city, but had done no wrong there, and had then proceeded to Ḥimṣ. The governor of that city together with the governor of Baʿalbakk also fled to Damascus, where they met al-Nāṣirī and told him the news. Al-Nāṣirī, as I have noted before, had hastily left the ciy by one road while Minṭāsh arrived by another.
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