Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 535, 17- 536, 4

5: 535, 17- 536, 4
ثمّ إنّ منطاش لمّا أقام بالقصر ندب أحمد بن شكر المذكور ليدخل إلى مدينة دمشق ويأخذ من أسواقها المال فبينما هما في ذلك إذ قدم الناصري بعساكره فاقتتلا قتالاً عظيماً دام بينهم أيّاماً إلى آخر الشهر وقُتل كثير من الفريقين والأكثر ممّن كان مع منطاش وفرّ عن منطاش معظم التركمان الذين قدموا معه شيئاً بعد شيء وصار منطاش محصوراً بالقصر الأبلق والقتال عمّال بينهم في كلّ يوم حتّى وجد منطاش له فرصة ففرّ إلى جهة التركمان وتبعه عساكر دمشق فلم يُدركه أحد فعظم هذا الخبر على الملك الظاهر برقوق إلى الغاية واتّهم الناس الناصري بالتراخي في قتال منطاش
793 AH, after 01/07
Minṭāsh, after he had established himself in the Castle, sent ʾAḥmad ibn Shukr (mentioned above) to enter the city itself and to seize whatever money he could find in its markets. While they were thus engaged, al-Nāṣirī suddenly appeared with his forces; a great battle ensued which continued for several days until the end of the month, many being killed on both sides, though the losses on the sid eof Minṭāsh were the heavier. In addition, most of the Turkumāns who had come to Minṭāsh gradually deserted, and Minṭāsh remained under siege in the Striped Castle, with battles in progress every day. Finally he took advantage of an opportunity to flee toward the Turkumāns, and although the forces of Damascus pursued him he was not overtaken. Al-Ẓāhir found this report exceedingly distressing, while the men suspected that al-Nāṣirī had been remiss in the fight against Minṭāsh
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