al-ʿAynī, ʿIqd (Q) 1: 243, 8 - 244, 5

1: 243, 8 - 244, 5
ثم عاد الامر على ما كان عليه, و كان يجتمع كل يوم ببولاق ناس لا يحصون لطلب القمح, فيقع عياط و صريخ حتى نهبوا بعض ما في الشون من القمح, فتعطلت احوال الناس من البيع و الشراء بسبب اشتغالهم في تحصيل القوت لان بعضهم كان يتوجه الى الافران نصف الليل و بعضهم يتوجه الى البحر لتحصيل شي من القمح, فمنهم من يجد بعض شئ بعد جهد عظيم و منهم من يرجع خائبا, و صار المركب اذا كان فيه بعض قمح يربط في وسط النيل بالمرسى خشية من النهب, و يتوجه الناس اليها في الشخاتير لياخدوا منها, ثم وقع التحجر على من يشتري زيادة على الاردب, و صار معظم الواصل يقسم على الطحانين ليطحنوه للفرانين, و مع ذلك اشتد الزحام في البحر حتى مات جماعة من الزحام, و فرق ناس في البحر عند التوجه الى المراكب الواصله, ثم خرج الناس في الثمن عشر من ذى القعدة الى الصحراء و معهم القاضي جلال الدين بن البلقينى يستكشفون هذه البلايا فوقفوا قريبا من قبة النصر فضجوا و دعوا بغير صلاة.
Then the situation returned back to his former state and each day an innumerable amount of people gathered at Bulāq to ask for wheat. There was yelling and shouting until some of the wheat that was in the storehouses was taken. The people did not sell or buy anymore because they were too busy obtaining food because some of them were used to go to the ovens in the midst of the night, and some of them went to the river to obtain some wheat, and some of those obtained a bit of it after an enormous effort, and some returned empty-handed. Ships that contained some wheat started to anchor in the middle of the Nile, because they feared to be robbed. People started to go to them in little ships, to take the wheat from them. Then it became forbidden to buy more then an ʾirdabb of wheat and most of the wheat that arrived was distributed to the millers to mill it for the bakers, but nevertheless the crowding at the river became worse, until a part of the crowd died and the people became afraid of going to the ships that arrived. Then, on 18/11, the people left to the desert, with qāḍī Jalāl al-Dīn b. al-Bulqīnī to find out the reason for this calamity They stopped near the Qubbat al-Naṣr and made a sacrifice and invoked the name of God without prayer.
Related properties

Practice (1)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0818-11-18 Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalāl al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Bulqīnī unknown Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalal al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bulqini unknown

Institutions (0)

Places (1)
