Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 6: 413, 5 - 414, 6

6: 413, 5 - 414, 6
ثم نودي في يوم الأحد رابع عشرينه بالخروج من الغد للصحراء خارج القاهرة‏. فلما كان الغد يوم الاثنين
خرج شيخ الإسلام قاضي القضاة جلال الدين البلقيني وسار حتى جلس في فم الوادي قريبًا من قبة
النصر - وقد نصب هناك منبر - فقرأ سورة الأنعام وأقبل الناس أفواجًا من كل جهة حتى كثر الجمع
ومضى من شروق الشمس نحو الساعتين أقبل السلطان بمفرده على فرس وقد تزيا بزي أهل الصوفية
واعتم على رأسه بمئزر صوف لطيف ولبس على بدنه ثوب صوف أبيض وعلى عنقه مئزر صوف بعذبة
مرخاة على بعض ظهره وليس في سرجه ولا شيء من قماش فرسه ذهب ولا حرير فأنزل عن الفرس
وجلس على الأرض من غير بساط ولا سجادة مما يلي يسار المنبر فصلى قاضي القضاة ركعتين كهيئة
صلاة العيد والناس وراءه يصلون بصلاته ثم رقى المنبر فخطب خطبتين حث الناس فيهما على التوبة
والاستغفار وأعمال البر وحذرهم ونهاهم وتحول فوق المنبر واستقبل القبلة ودعا فأطال الدعاء والسلطان
في ذلك كفه يبكي وينتحب وقد باشر في سجوده التراب بجبهته‏. فلما انقضت الخطبة ركب السلطان
فرسه مع عدم قدرته على القيام وإنما يحمل على الأكتاف حتى يركب ثم يحمل حتى ينزل وسار إلى
جهة القلعة والعامة محيطة به يدعون له فكان هذا اليوم من الأيام المشهودة‏. ومن أحسن ما نقل عنه في
هذه الركبة أن بعض العامة دعا له حالة الاستسقاء أن الله ينصره فقال لهم الملك المؤيد‏:‏ اسألوا الله فيما
نحن بصدده وإنما أنا واحد منكم - فلله دره فيما قال. ثم في غده نودي على النيل بزيادة اثني عشر
إصبعًا بعدما رد النقص وهو قريب سبعة وعشرين إصبعًا فتباشر الناس باستجابة دعائهم‏.
823 AH, Su, 24/06:
It was announced to leave the next morning to the Desert outside Cairo. The next day, Monday, Shaykh al-ʾIslām Qāḍī al-quḍāt Jalāl al-Dīn al-Bulqīnī left until he took his seat at the mouth of the wadi near Qubbat al-Naṣr, where a minbar had been placed and read the Surat al-ʾAnʿām. The people came in large crowds until there was a large gathering. More or less two hours after sunrise the sultan approached alone, on a horse, he wore the dress of the Sufi, on his head he wore as turban a small piece of woolen cloth, on his body a simple garment of white wool, and on his neck a woolen scarf with the end hanging part way down his back. Nor on the saddle nor on the caparison of his horse was gold or silk. He dismounted and sat on the ground, without carpet or rug, at the left of the minbar. The qāḍī al-quḍāt prayed a prayer of two bowings, like the prayer of the ʿĪd and the people behind him prayed with him. Then he ascended to the minbar, and held two sermons, in which he urged the people to repent, to ask for forgiveness, and to do pious deeds, and he admonished them with warnings and prohibitions. Then he turned about on the minbar, faced the direction of Mecca and prayed a long prayer. During all this the sultan was crying and lamenting, he had in his prostrations touched the ground with his forehead. When the sermon was finished the sultan mounted on his horse, despite the fact that he was unable to stand up, but was carried on shoulder to make it possible for him to mount, and then he was helped to dismount. He went to the citadels, surrounded by the common people praying for him. This was a very glorious day. One of the best things told about him during that ride was this: One of the common people prayed for him that God might help him and al-Malik al-Muʾayyad said: “Ask God for what which we are now concerned. I am but one of you.” How admirable was his answer! On the next morning it was announced that the Nile had risen 12 12 fingers after the return of the decrease, which was almost 27 fingers. Men told one another joyfully that their prayers were answered.
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Practice (6)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0823-06-24 Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nās Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nas
0823-06-24 Ordering other unknown nās Ordering other unknown nas
0823-06-25 Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalāl al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Bulqīnī nās Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalal al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bulqini nas
0823-06-25 Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalāl al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Bulqīnī al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Ritual Islamic ceremony Jalal al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bulqini al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0823-06-25 Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nās Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown nas
0823-06-26 Informing other unknown nās Informing other unknown nas

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