Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 6: 476, 8-22

6: 476, 8-22
وتوفي المقام الصارمي إبراهيم ابن السلطان الملك المؤيد شيخ في ليلة الجمعة خامس عشر جمادى
الأخرة بقلعة الجبل وحضر الصلاة عليه السلطان ودفنه بالجامع المؤيدي في صبيحة يوم الجمعة‏. وكثر
أسف الناس عليه وكان لموته يوم عظيم بالقاهرة ومات وسنه زيادة على عشرين سنة وأمه أم ولد وكان
مولده بالبلاد الشامية في أوائل القرن تخمينًا فإنه لما تسلطن والده كان سنه يوم ذاك دون البلوغ‏. وكان
نبيلًا حاذقًا فأنعم عليه أبوه بإمرة مائة‏ وتقدمة ألف‏. وتجرد صحبة والده إلى البلاد الشامية ثم عاد معه‏.
ثم لما كبر وترعرع سفره أبوه إلى البلاد الشامية مقدم العساكر فسار إلى بلاد ابن قرمان وغيره وأظهر
في هذه السفرة من الشجاعة والإقدام والكرم والحشمة ما أذهل الناس هذا مع حسن الشكالة وطلاقة
المحيا والإحسان الزائد لمن يقصده ويتردد إليه ولعمري إنه كان خليقًا للسلطنة لائقًا للملك - فما شاء
الله كان ومالم يشأ لم يكن ولاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم‏.
Obituaries of 823:
Al-maqām al-Ṣārimī ʾIbrāhīm b. al-Sulṭān al-Malik al-Muʾayyad Shaykh died on Friday night, 15/06 in the citadel. The sultan attended the prayers for him and he was buried in the Muʾayyadī mosque on Friday morning. Many people grieved because of his death, and it was an awsome day in Cairo. At his death he was more then 20 years old. His mother was ʾumm walad and he was born in Syria in the beginnings of this century, and when his father became sultan he had not reached puberty. He was noble and skillful. His father had given him an amirate of 100. He went with his father on the expedition to Syria and returned with him. When he had grown up and became a young man, his father sent him to Syria as commander of the armies and he went to the land of Ibn Qaramān and of others and showed courage, braveness, honour and modesty during this journey, which astonished the people. In addition to this he was well-built, open-faced and very generous for those who sought him or visited him. By my life, he was worthy to become sultan and fitted to rule, but God will happens and what He not wants shall not be and there is no power except in God the Exalted the Mighty.
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