al-Maqrīzī, Sulūk 4: 1011, 7- 1012, 15

4: 1011, 7- 1012, 15
وفي يوم الخميس ثاني عشرينه: خلع على الأمير صلاح الدين محمد ابن الصاحب بدر الدين حسن بن نصر اللّه، وإستقر كاتب السر عوضًا عن شيخ الشيوخ محب الدين محمد بن شرف الدين الأشقر، مضافًا لما بيده من حسبة القاهرة ونظر دار الضرب ونظر الأوقاف ومنادمة السلطان، فنزل في موكب حليل، وقد
لبس العمامة المدورة، والفرجية، هيئة أرباب الأقلام، فسر الناس به، وكان من خبره أنه نشاً من صغره
بزى الأجناد، وبرع في الحساب، وكتب الخط المنسوب، وصار أحد الحجاب في الأيام الناصرية فرج بن
برقوق. وتقلب مع والده في مباشرة نظر الجيش، ونظر الخاص، والوزارة . وشكرت مباشرته لذلك،. مما
طبع عليه من لين الجانب، وطيب الكلام، وبشاشة الوجه، وحسن السياسة، فصار في الأيام المؤيدية شيخ
من جلة الأمراء، وولى أستادارية السلطان فى الأيام الظاهرية ططر، وملك الأمراء. ثم عزل عن ذلك،
وأعيد إليه في الأيام الأشرفية برسباى، وكان ما كان من مصادرته ومصادرة والده الصاحب بدر الدين، على مال كبير، أخذ منهما حتى ذهب مالهما، إلا أنه لم يمسهما بحمد الله سوء، ولا أهينا، فلزما دارهما
عدة سنين. ثم شَبه لهما الإقبال، فولى الحسبة، ومازال يترقى حتى عينه السلطان لمنادمته بعد ابن قاسم
بن المحلاوى، وصار يبيت عنده، وشكرت خصاله، و لم يسلك من الطمع وأخذ الأموال من الناس ما سلكه
غيره، بل عف وكف، وأفضل وزاد في الأفضال، إلى أن سعى بعض الناس في كتابة السر بمال كبير جدًا، وأرجف بولايته، فاقتضى رأى السلطان ولاية الأمير صلاح الدين، وعرض عليه ذلك ليلا، وهو مقيم
عنده على عادته، فاستعفى من ذلك، فلم يعفه، وصمم عليه، ورسم بتجهيز التشريف له، ثم أصبح فخلع
عليه، وأقره على ما بيده. وإستمر به في منادمته، والمبيت عنده، فضبط أمره، وصار يكتب المهمات السلطانية بخطه بين يدى السلطان، لما هو عليه من قوة الكتابة وجودتها، ومعرفة المصطلح، والدربة
بمعاشرة الملوك، وتدبير الدول، ومقالبة الأحوال. فتميز بذلك عمن تقدمه من كتاب السر، بعد ابن فضل
الله، فإنهم منذ عهد فتح اللّه صارت المهمات السلطانية إنما يتولى كتابتها الموقعونْ بإملاء كاتب السر،
حتى باشر هو، فاستبد بالكتابة، وحجب كل أحد عن الاطلاع على أحوال المملكة بحسن سياسته، وتمام
840 AH, 22/12
On Thursday the 22nd a khilʿa was bestowed upon al-ʾamīr Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad b. al-ṣāḥib Badr al-Dīn Ḥasan b. Naṣr Allāh. He was appointed kātib al-sirr, replacing shaykh al-shuyūkh Muḥibb al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Sharaf al-Dīn al-ʾAshqar, added to what he controlled as muḥtasib of Cairo, nāẓir dār al-ḍarb, nāẓir al-ʾawqāf, and nadīm of the sultan. He went down in a magnificent procession. He had put on the round turban (al-ʿimāmat al-mudawwara) and the farjīya, in the manner of the men of the pen. The people were delighted with him. His story was that he was raised since he was small in the dress of the ʾajnād. He excelled in accounting and writing al-khaṭṭ al-mansūb. He became one of the ḥujjāb in the days of al-Nāṣir al-Faraj b. Barqūq. He bounced around with his father in the administration of the office of nāẓir al-jaysh, nāẓir al-khāṣṣ and wazīr. His administration was praised for that, by the mark he left on sociability (layyin al-jānib), the goodness of speech, and the smile on his face, and the goodness of his politics. In the days of al-Muʾayyad Shaykh he became one of the amirs. He took over as ʾustādār of the sultan in the days of al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar, and malik al-ʾumarāʾ. Then he was discharged from that. He was restored to it in the days of al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy. He and his father al-ṣāḥib Badr al-Dīn had had a great deal of wealth confiscated from them. It was taken from them until their wealth was gone, yet they were never branded as bad, praise God, nor were they weakened. However, they were confined to their house for a number of years. Then attention was paid to them, and he took over as muḥtasib. He continued to advance until the sultan appointed him nadīm, after Ibn Qāsim b. al-Maḥallāwī. He was spending the night with him, and his qualities were praised. He did not act out of greed. Taking money from the people was contrary to his procedure; rather, he acted with virtue and restraint. He was rewarded and the merits increased until one of the people tried to get the office of kātib al-sirr for a very large amount of money. Rumors were spread about his performance, so the sultan chose al-ʾamīr Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn. That was offered to him at night while he was sitting with him as usual. He asked for an exemption from that, but it was not granted. He resolved to do it. The order was given for the tashrīf to be prepared for him. Then in the morning he received a khilʿa and what he would control was decided for him. He continued as nadīm, and stayed the night with him, and he strictly held to his command. He started writing royal documents in his hand for the sultan, because of his familiarity with the intimacy of kings, and the order of the state, and the intrigues of affairs. He was distinguished in that from those who had come before him in the office of kātib al-sirr, after Ibn Faḍl Allāh. Since the time of Fatḥ Allāh the writing of the royal decrees was carried out by the muwaqqiʿūn, being dictated by the kātib al-sirr, until he took over, for he proceeded independently in the office of kātib. In the affairs of the state, everyone was eclipsed from view by the goodness of his administration, and the completeness of his know-how.
Related properties

Events (17)

Name Date Extra
Muwaqqiʿūn write royal decrees 0840-12-22 Muwaqqi'un write royal decrees
Rumors spread about candidate for kitābat al-sirr 0840-12-22 Rumors spread about candidate for kitabat al-sirr
Someone tries to pay for office of kātib al-sirr 0840-12-22 Someone tries to pay for office of katib al-sirr
Sultan offers office of kātib al-sirr to Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad 0840-12-21 Sultan offers office of katib al-sirr to Salah al-Din Muhammad
Wealth of Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn and father confiscated 0840-12-22 Wealth of Salah al-Din and father confiscated
Ṣalāh al-Dīn Muḥammad made kātib al-sirr 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad made katib al-sirr
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad discharged as malik al-ʾumarāʾ 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad discharged as malik al-`umara`
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad writes royal documents himself 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad writes royal documents himself
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad becomes one of the ḥujjāb 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad becomes one of the hujjab
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad restored to office of malik al-ʾumarāʾ 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad restored to office of malik al-`umara`
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad is ʾustādār of Barsbāy and malik al-ʾumarāʾ 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad is `ustadar of Barsbay and malik al-`umara`
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad becomes amir 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad becomes amir
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad is nadīm of sultan 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din Muhammad is nadim of sultan
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn continues as sultan’s nadīm 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din continues as sultan's nadim
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn made muḥtasib and ḥājib 0835-07-01 Salah al-Din made muhtasib and hajib
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn rewarded for virtuous service as muḥtasib 0840-12-22 Salah al-Din rewarded for virtuous service as muhtasib
Ṣalāḥ performs administrative duties with father 0840-12-22 Salah performs administrative duties with father

Practice (38)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0835-07-01 Appointing muḥtasib (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Appointing muhtasib (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-21 Requesting exemption Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Requesting exemption Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0840-12-21 Quarreling denial of request al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Quarreling denial of request al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-21 Ceremonial benefit attire al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Ceremonial benefit attire al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-21 Ritual attire al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Ritual attire al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-21 Promising manṣab kātib sirr (sulṭān) al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Promising mansab katib sirr (sultan) al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Performing administrative muwaqqiʿ/muwaqqiʿūn unknown Performing administrative muwaqqi'/muwaqqi'un unknown
0840-12-22 Ritual procession Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh unknown Ritual procession Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah unknown
0840-12-22 Performing administrative Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Badr al-Dīn Ḥasan b. Naṣr Allāh al-Fawwī Performing administrative Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah Badr al-Din Hasan b. Nasr Allah al-Fawwi
0840-12-22 Performing administrative Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh unknown Performing administrative Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah unknown
0840-12-22 Performing financial Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Badr al-Dīn Ḥasan b. Naṣr Allāh al-Fawwī Performing financial Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah Badr al-Din Hasan b. Nasr Allah al-Fawwi
0840-12-22 Performing local Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh unknown Performing local Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah unknown
0840-12-22 Performing financial Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Badr al-Dīn Ḥasan b. Naṣr Allāh al-Fawwī Performing financial Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah Badr al-Din Hasan b. Nasr Allah al-Fawwi
0840-12-22 Intimacy other al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Intimacy other al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Intimacy Creating al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Intimacy Creating al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Ritual attire al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Ritual attire al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Ceremonial benefit attire al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Ceremonial benefit attire al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Direct benefit honour unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Direct benefit honour unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Direct benefit combination unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Direct benefit combination unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Negative communication rumors unknown al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Negative communication rumors unknown al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0840-12-22 Ritual attire unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Ritual attire unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Acting other unknown unknown Acting other unknown unknown
0840-12-22 Arresting house arrest unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Arresting house arrest unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Requesting mansab unknown unknown Requesting mansab unknown unknown
0840-12-22 Confiscating general unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Confiscating general unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Confiscating general unknown Badr al-Dīn Ḥasan b. Naṣr Allāh al-Fawwī Confiscating general unknown Badr al-Din Hasan b. Nasr Allah al-Fawwi
0840-12-22 Ceremonial benefit attire unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Ceremonial benefit attire unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Arresting house arrest unknown Badr al-Dīn Ḥasan b. Naṣr Allāh al-Fawwī Arresting house arrest unknown Badr al-Din Hasan b. Nasr Allah al-Fawwi
0840-12-22 Promoting ʾamīr (general) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Promoting `amir (general) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Appointing ʾustādār (ʾamīr) al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Appointing `ustadar (`amir) al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Appointing ḥājib (small) (sulṭān) unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Appointing hajib (small) (sultan) unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Appointing kātib sirr (sulṭān) unknown Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Appointing katib sirr (sultan) unknown Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Promoting malik ʾumarāʾ al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Promoting malik `umara` al-Zahir Tatar Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Promoting malik ʾumarāʾ al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Promoting malik `umara` al-`Ashraf Barsbay Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Discharging malik ʾumarāʾ al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Discharging malik `umara` al-Zahir Tatar Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah
0840-12-22 Paying (manṣab) kātib sirr (sulṭān) unknown unknown Paying (mansab) katib sirr (sultan) unknown unknown
0840-12-22 Ending term kātib sirr (sulṭān) Muḥibb al-Dīn Muḥammad b. al-ʾAshqar Ending term katib sirr (sultan) Muhibb al-Din Muhammad b. al-`Ashqar
0840-12-22 Ending term malik ʾumarāʾ Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn b. Naṣr Allāh Ending term malik `umara` Salah al-Din b. Nasr Allah

Places (2)