Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 6: 429, 16 - 430, 7

6: 429, 16 - 430, 7
كل ذلك وهو محتفظ على ناموس الملك والسير على ترتيب من تقدمه من الملوك في سائر أموره وحركاته‏.
وقد تسلطن وأحوال المملكة غير مستقيمة مما جدده الملك الناصر فرج من الوظائف والاستكثار من
الخاصكية حتى إن خاصكيته زادت عدتهم على ألف نفر فلا زال المؤيد بهم حتى جعلهم ثمانين خاصكيا
كما كانت أيام أستاذه الملك الظاهر برقوق وكانت الدوادارية نحو ثمانين دوادارًا فلا زال حتى جعلهم
ستة وكذلك الخازندارية والبجمقدارية والحجاب‏. وكان يتأمر الشخص في أيامه ويقيم سنين ولم يسمح
له بلبس تخفيفة على رأسه كل ذلك مراعاة لأفعال السلف‏. وكان عارفًا بأنواع الملاعيب رأسًا في لعب
الرمح وسوق البرجاس قويًا في ضرب السيف والرمي بالنشاب ماهرًا في فنون كثيرة جد وهزل
لا يعجبه إلا الكامل في فنه‏. دخلت إليه مرةً وأنا في الخامسة فعلمني - قبل دخولي إليه - بعض من كان
معي أن أطلب منه خبزًا‏. فلما جلست عنده وكلمني سألته في ذلك فغمز من كان واقفًا بين يديه وأنا
لا أدري فأتاه برغيف كبير من الخبز السلطاني فأخذه بيده وناولنيه وقال‏:‏ خذ هذا خبز كبير مليح فأخذته
من يده وألقيته إلى الأرض وقلت‏:‏ أعط هذا للفقراء أنا ما أريد إلا خبزًا بفلاحين يأتونني بالغنم والأوز
والدجاج فضحك حتى كاد أن يغشى عليه وأعجبه مني ذلك إلى الغاية وأمر لي بثلاثمائة دينار ووعدني
بما طلبته وزيادة - انتهى‏. وكان يحسن تربية مماليكه إلى الغاية ولا يرقيهم إلا بعد مدة طويلة ولذلك لم
يخمل منهم أحد‏. بعد موته - فيما أعلم‏. وكان يميل إلى جنس الترك ويقدمهم حتى إن غالب أمرائه كانوا
أتراكًا‏. وكان يكثر من استخدام السيفية ويقول‏:‏ هؤلاء قاسوا خطوب الدهر وتأدبوا ومارسوا الأمور
والوقائع‏. وكان عارفًا بتعبئة العساكر في القتال ثباتًا في الحروب محجاجًا في الأجوبة‏. قيل له‏:‏ إن
الناس تقول عنك إنك قتلت من أعيان الملوك نحو ثمانين نفسًا فقال‏:‏ ما قتلت واحدًا منهم إلا وقد استحق
القتل قبل ذلك والسلطان له أن يقتل من اختار قتله وشنع عنه هذه المقالة من لا يعرف معناها من الأتراك
الذين يقصر فهمهم عن إدراك المعاني‏. وأما فعله من وجوه البر فكثير وله مآثر مشهورة به وعمائر كثيرة
أعظمها‏:‏ الجامع المؤيدي الذي لم يبن في الإسلام أكثر زخرفة منه بعد الجامع الأموي بدمشق ثم تجديده
لجامع المقياس ثم لمدرسة الخروبية بالجيزة وأشياء غير ذلك كثيرة‏. وأما ما خلفه من الأموال والخيول
والجمال والسلاح فكثير جدًا لم أقف على تحرير قدره‏. وخلف من الأولاد ستة - فيما أعلم - ذكرين
أحدهما الملك المظفر أحمد وأربع بنات الجميع دون البلوغ - انتهى والله سبحانه أعلم‏.
Obituary of al-Muʾayyad:
With all this he preserved the prescriptions of royalty, and he acted in all his affairs and movements in accordance with the dispositions of the rulers before him. He had become sultan when the situation of the sultanate where disordered because of the innovations of al-Malik al-Nāṣir Faraj in the functions and the increase in the number of khāṣṣakīya, until there were more than 1000 of them. Al-Muʾayyad continued dealing with them until he made their number 80, as it had been in the days of his ʾustādh al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq. There were more than 80 dawadars and he continued until he made their number 6. Similarly the khāzindārs, the bajmaqdārs and the ḥājibs, a person would become amir in his days and stayed this for years without being granted the right to wear a takhfīfa on his head. All this he did out of regard to precedent. He knew all kinds of sports, was a leader in lance play and target shooting, powerful in sword stroke and arrow shooting, clever in many ways, whether in earnest or in jest. He admired only one who was perfect in this subject. I once came to him when I was five year old, and before going in someone who was with me said me to ask for a khubz. When he sat with him and he spoke to me I asked for this. Without my knowing he made a sign to somebody who stood before him, who brought him a large loaf of bread of the sultan. He took in in his hand, handed it to me and said: “Take this, this is a big and good khubz. I took it from his hand and threw it on the ground, saying: “Give this to the poor, I only want a khubz with peasants, who will bring me sheep, geese and chickens.” He laughed until he always fainted; he was very pleased with me for what I had said, and ordered to give me 300 dinar, and promised me what I had asked for and more. He educated his mamluks very well and did not promote them until after a long time. Because of this because of this none of them was obscure after his death, as far as I know. He favoured the Turks and advanced them so that most of his amirs were Turks. He also took many sayfīya in his service, saying that those had suffered the vicissitudes of fate, were well disciplined and experienced in affairs and events. He knew the placing of armies in battle, and stood firm in war, he was convincing in his answers. Somebody said to him: “People say about you that you killed more or less eighty of the ʾaʿyān of the amirs.” He said: “I did not kill one of them unless he had before deserved to be killed and it is the right of the sultan to kill who he choses to kill.” His words were considered as shameful by those of the Turks who did not understand their meaning, those whose intelligence falls short of grasping implications.
He did many pious works. He was the creator of benefactions with his name and built many buildings. The greatest of those was the Muʾayyadī mosque, no bigger one in ornament has been built in Islam since the Umayyad mosque in Damascus. Then he renewed the mosque of the miqyās, then the Kharrūbīya madrasa in Giza and many other buildings. He left a large amount of money, horses, arms and camels. I have not found any accurate statement of its value. He left 6 children, as far as I know, two boys, one of the is al-Malik al-Muẓaffar, and four daughters under puberty. End. And God knows best.
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Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0823-07-21 Construction religious al-Muʾayyad Shaykh unknown Construction religious al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh unknown
0824-01-09 Direct benefit money al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Yūsuf b. Taghrī Birdī Direct benefit money al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh Yusuf b. Taghri Birdi
0824-01-09 Promising direct benefits other al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Yūsuf b. Taghrī Birdī Promising direct benefits other al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh Yusuf b. Taghri Birdi
0824-01-09 Direct benefit protection al-Muʾayyad Shaykh mamālīk sayfīya Direct benefit protection al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh mamalik sayfiya
0824-01-09 Negative communication insulting al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Yūsuf b. Taghrī Birdī Negative communication insulting al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh Yusuf b. Taghri Birdi
0824-01-09 Performing central al-Muʾayyad Shaykh unknown Performing central al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh unknown
0824-01-09 Requesting Other Yūsuf b. Taghrī Birdī al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Requesting Other Yusuf b. Taghri Birdi al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0824-01-09 Promoting unknown al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-Turk Promoting unknown al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-Turk

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