Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 6: 488, 3 - 490, 5

6: 488, 3 - 490, 5
قلت‏:‏ وكان من خبر يشبك هذا مع الأمير الكبير ألطنبغا القرمشي أنه لما خرج القرمشي من الديار
المصرية إلى البلاد الشامية وصحبته الأمراء وهم‏:‏ الأمير طوغان أمير آخور وألطنبغا من عبد الواحد
الصغير رأس نوبة النوب وأزدمر الناصري وآق بلاط الدمرداش وسودون اللكاشي وجلبان أمير آخور
الذي تولى نيابة دمشق في دولة الملك الظاهر جقمق وقبل خروج القرمشي من القاهرة أسر إليه الملك
المؤيد بالقبض على الأمير يشبك اليوسفي نائب حلب إن أمكنه ذلك فسار القرمشي إلى البلاد
الشامية مقدمًا للعساكر ثم توجه إلى البلاد الحلبية ثم ساروا من حلب هو ورفقته إلى حيث ندبهم إليه
الملك المؤيد وعادوا إلى حلب في أول سنة أربع وعشرين وأقاموا بها فاستوحش الأمير يشبك نائب حلب
منهم ولم يجسر القرمشي على مسكه‏. وبينما هم في ذلك طرقهم الخبر بموت السلطان الملك المؤيد
فاضطرب الأمراء المجردون وعزم الأمير الكبير ألطنبغا القرمشي على العود إلى الديار المصرية ووافقه
على ذلك رفقته من الأمراء‏. وبرز بمن معه إلى ظاهر حلب وخرجوا من باب المقام‏. وبلغ ذلك الأمير يشبك
نائب حلب وكان لم يخرج لتوديعهم فعزم على أن يركب ويقاتلهم‏. وبلغ ذلك القرمشي في الحال فأرسل
إليه دواداره السيفي خشكلدي القرمشي‏. حدثني خشكلدي المذكور من لفظه قال‏:‏ ندبني أستاذي الأمير
ألطنبغا القرمشي أن أتوجه إلى أمير يشبك وأذكر له مقالة القرمشي له فتوجهت إليه فإذا به قد طلع إلى
منارة جامع حلب فطلعت إليه بها وسلمت عليه فرد علي السلام وقال‏:‏ هات مامعك‏. فقلت‏:‏ قد تعبت من
طلوع السلم أمهل علي ساعة فإني جئت من ملك إلى ملك فأمهلني ساعة فبدأته بأن قلت‏:‏ الأمير الكبير
يسلم عليك ويقول لك بلغة أنك تريد قتاله بمن معه من الأمراء وهو يسألك ما القصد في قتاله وقد استولى
ططر على الديار المصرية وجقمق على البلاد الشامية فاقصدهما فإنهما هما الأهم فإن أجليتهما عما
ملكاه فنحن في قبضتك وإن كانت الأخرى فما بالك بالتشويش علينا لغيرك ونحن ناس سفار غرباء
البلاد قال‏:‏ فلما سمع كلامي سكت ساعة وقال‏:‏ يسافروا من وقف في طريقهم ومن هو الذي يقاتلهم أو
معنى هذا الكلام قال‏:‏ فبست يده وعدت بالجواب إلى الأمير الكبير وقبل أن أبلغه الرسالة إذا يشبك
المذكور نزل من المنارة ولبس آلة الحرب هو ومماليكه في الحال وقصد الأمراء وهم بالسعدي‏. فلما رآه
الأمراء المصريون ركبوا ورجعوا إليه وحملوا عليه حملة واحدة انكسر فيها وتقنطر عن فرسه وقطعت
رأسه في الوقت‏. فعاد الأمير الكبير ألطنبغا القرمشي بمن معه من الأمراء إلى حلب ونزل بدار السعادة‏.
ومن غريب ما اتفق ان الأمير يشبك المذكور كان قد استوى سماطه فأخره إلى أن يقبض على الأمراء
ويعود يأكله فقتل في الحال‏. ودخل القرمشي بمن معه ومد السماط بين أيديهم فأكلوه وكانوا في حاجة
إلى الأكل‏. واستمر القرمشي بحلب مدة إلى أن ولى نيابة حلب الأمير ألطنبغا من عبد الواحد الصغير
رأس نوبة وعاد إلى دمشق‏. واتفق القرمشي مع الأمير جقمق نائب الشام على قتال المصريين لمخالفتهم
لما أوصى به الملك المؤيد شيخ قبل موته‏. وكانت وصية الملك المؤيد أن يكون ابنه سطانًا وأن يكون ألطنبغا
القرمشي هو المتحدث في تدبير مملكته فخالف ذلك الأمير ططر وصار هو المتحدث وأخرج إقطاعات
الأمراء المجردين صحبته‏. وبينما هم في ذلك بلغهم أن الأمير ططر عزم على الخروج من الديار المصرية
ومعه السلطان الملك المظفر أحمد إلى البلاد الشامية فتهيئوا لقتاله‏. ثم بعد مدة يسيرة وقع بينهما وحشة
وتقاتلا فانهزم جقمق إلى الصبيبة وملك القرمشي دمشق حسبما يأتي ذكره‏. هذا ما كان من أمر القرمشي مع يشبك‏.‏
I say: A part of the story of this Yashbak with ʾamīr kabīr ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī is that, when al-Qurmushī left Egypt to Syria, with amirs Ṭūghān the ʾamīr ʾākhūr, ʾAlṭunbughā min ʿAbd al-Wahid al-Ṣaghīr, the raʾs nawbat al-nuwab, ʾAzdamur al-Nāṣirī, ʾĀq Bulāṭ al-Damurdāshī, Sūdūn al-Lakkāshī and Julbān the ʾamīr ʾākhūr who became nāʾib of Damascus in the sultanate of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq, before he left Cairo al-Malik al-Muʾayyad told them secretly to arrest amir Yashbak al-Yūsufī, the nāʾib of Aleppo, if this were possible. Al-Qurmushī left to Syria as commander of the armies, then he went to the region of Aleppo, then he and his companions left Aleppo to where al-Malik al-Muʾayyad had sent them and returned to Aleppo in the beginnings of 824. They stayed there and amir Yashbak, the nāʾib of Aleppo, mistrusted them and al-Qurmushī did not dare to arrest him. In this situation the news of the death of sultan al-Malik al-Muʾayyad reached them and the amirs on the campaign were agitated. ʾAmīr kabīr ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī decided to return to Egypt and his companions amongst the amirs agreed on that. They left to the outskirts of Aleppo, through the Bāb al-Maqām. This reached amir Yashbak, the nāʾib of Aleppo, who had not left to say them farewell, and he decided to go to them and attack them. This reached al-Qurmushī immediately and he sent his dawādār al-Sayfī Khushkaldī al-Qurmushī . Khushkaldī told me personally: “My ʾustādh, amir ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī sent me to go amir Yashbak and to give him his message. I went to him but he had ascended the minaret of the mosque of Aleppo, so I went up to him and greeted him, he returned my greeting and said “Give what you have”. I said: “I’m tired from climbing the steps, let me wait a moment”, I came from one ruler to another, so let me wait a moment.”. Then I anticipated him and said: “Al-ʾamīr kabīr greets you and says to you that he has been informed that you wants to attack him with your followers amongst the amirs and he asks what you want to obtain by attacking him. Ṭaṭar is in charge of Egypt and Jaqmaq of Syria, so head for them, as they are the most important ones. If you drive them out of what they possess we are in your grasp, if it be otherwise, why do you wish to harass us for the benefit of others than yourself, we are only simple travellers, far from our land. When he heard what I said, I remained silent for a moment, then he said: Then let them travel, who stand in their way, and who is it that fights them, or words to that effect. I kissed his hand and took the answer back to the ʾamīr kabīr, but before I could give him the message, Yashbak had come down from the minaret and immediately put on the emblems of war, as did his mamluks, and went to the amirs, who were in al-Saʿdī. When the Egyptian amirs saw him, they mounted and returned to him, and delivered one charge in which he was defeated, thrown of his horse and his head was immediately cut off. ʾAmīr kabīr ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī and his followers amongst the amirs returned to Aleppo, and stopped at the Dār al-Saʿāda. A strange coincidence was that the meal of amir Yashbak had been prepared, but he had postponed it until he had captured the amirs and would then return to eat it, but he was killed immediately and al-Qurmushī and his followers entered. The meal was spread out before them and they ate as they were in need of food. Al-Qurmushī stayed in Aleppo for a while until amir ʾAlṭunbughā min ʿAbd al-Wāhid al-Ṣaghīr, the raʾs nawba, was appointed as nāʾib of Aleppo. He returned to Damascus and joined amir Jaqmaq the nāʾib of Damascus, to fight the Egyptians because they had violated the last will of al-Malik al-Muʾayyad, that his son should become sultan and ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī should be in control of the government. But amir Ṭaṭar had violated this and had taken the leadership, and had vacated the ʾiqṭāʿs of the amirs who had campaigned with him. In the meanwhile news reached them that amir Ṭaṭar had decided to leave Egypt with sultan al-Malik al-Muẓaffar, towards Syria, so they prepared to fight him. Then, after a while, there was a conflict between the two of them, they fought each other, and Jaqmaq fled to al-Ṣubayba; and al-Qurmushī took control of Damascus, as will be narrated. This is what happened in the relations of al-Qurmushī with Yashbak.
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Events (16)

Name Date Extra
Al-Muʾayyad asks to capture Yashbak al-Yūsufī 0824-01-09 Al-Mu`ayyad asks to capture Yashbak al-Yusufi
Alṭunbughā al-Ṣaghīr nāʾib of Aleppo 0824-02-10 Altunbugha al-Saghir na`ib of Aleppo
Battle between Jaqmaq and ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī 0824-05-03 Battle between Jaqmaq and `Altunbugha al-Qurmushi
Death and funeral of al-Muʾayyad Shaykh 0824-01-09 Death and funeral of al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
Julbān arrives in Cairo 0847-12-02 Julban arrives in Cairo
Meal after killing of Yashbak 0824-02-10 Meal after killing of Yashbak
Negociation between Yashbak and al-Qurmushī 0824-02-10 Negociation between Yashbak and al-Qurmushi
Transfers of Syrian mansabs 0843-04-26 Transfers of Syrian mansabs
Yashbak al-Yūsufī mistrusts ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī 0824-02-10 Yashbak al-Yusufi mistrusts `Altunbugha al-Qurmushi
Yashbak al-Yūsufī killed after attacking ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī 0824-01-23 Yashbak al-Yusufi killed after attacking `Altunbugha al-Qurmushi
ʾAlṭunbugha informed about death of al-Muʾayyad 0824-02-10 `Altunbugha informed about death of al-Mu`ayyad
ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī prepares his return to Cairo 0824-02-10 `Altunbugha al-Qurmushi prepares his return to Cairo
ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmishī and others prepare campaign against Qarā Yūsuf 0824-02-10 `Altunbugha al-Qurmishi and others prepare campaign against Qara Yusuf
ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmishī and others prepare campaign against Qarā Yūsuf 0823-08-13 `Altunbugha al-Qurmishi and others prepare campaign against Qara Yusuf
ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī joins Jaqmaq 0824-08-26 `Altunbugha al-Qurmushi joins Jaqmaq
Ṭaṭar leaves to camp outside Cairo 0824-04-19 Tatar leaves to camp outside Cairo

Practice (36)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0823-08-13 Traveling ʾĀq Bulāṭ al-Damurdāshī Traveling `Aq Bulat al-Damurdashi
0823-08-13 Traveling ʾAlṭunbughā al-Ṣaghīr Traveling `Altunbugha al-Saghir
0823-08-13 Traveling ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Traveling `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0823-08-13 Traveling ʾUzdamur al-Nāṣirī al-Ẓāhirī Traveling `Uzdamur al-Nasiri al-Zahiri
0823-08-13 Traveling Ṭughān Traveling Tughan
0823-08-13 Traveling Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Traveling Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0823-08-13 Traveling Sūdūn al-Lakāshī Traveling Sudun al-Lakashi
0824-01-09 Ordering arrest al-Muʾayyad Shaykh ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Ordering arrest al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-01-09 Dying al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Dying al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0824-01-23 Battling military campaign Yashbak al-Yūsufī al-Muʾayyadī ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Battling military campaign Yashbak al-Yusufi al-Mu`ayyadi `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Supporting military campaign rafīq/rifāq ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Supporting military campaign rafiq/rifaq `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Assigning mission ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Khushkaldī al-Qirmishī Assigning mission `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi Khushkaldi al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Ritual feasting ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī ʾumarāʾ Ritual feasting `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi `umara`
0824-02-10 Supporting military campaign ʾumarāʾ ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Supporting military campaign `umara` `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Meeting negotiation Khushkaldī al-Qirmishī Yashbak al-Yūsufī al-Muʾayyadī Meeting negotiation Khushkaldi al-Qirmishi Yashbak al-Yusufi al-Mu`ayyadi
0824-02-10 Informing Death unknown ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Informing Death unknown `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Quarreling displaying unhappiness Yashbak al-Yūsufī al-Muʾayyadī ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Quarreling displaying unhappiness Yashbak al-Yusufi al-Mu`ayyadi `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Negative communication subterfuge Yashbak al-Yūsufī al-Muʾayyadī Khushkaldī al-Qirmishī Negative communication subterfuge Yashbak al-Yusufi al-Mu`ayyadi Khushkaldi al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Arriving rafīq/rifāq Arriving rafiq/rifaq
0824-02-10 Arriving ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Arriving `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Arriving ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Arriving `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Traveling ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Traveling `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0824-02-10 Arriving ʾumarāʾ Arriving `umara`
0824-02-10 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī ʾAlṭunbughā al-Ṣaghīr Appointing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi `Altunbugha al-Saghir
0824-04-19 Preparing for battle al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Preparing for battle al-Zahir Tatar
0824-04-19 Preparing for battle al-Muẓaffar ʾAḥmad b. Shaykh Preparing for battle al-Muzaffar `Ahmad b. Shaykh
0824-05-03 Performing local ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī unknown Performing local `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi unknown
0824-05-03 Battling military campaign ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Jaqmaq al-ʾArghūn Shāwī Battling military campaign `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi Jaqmaq al-`Arghun Shawi
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0824-08-26 Quarreling insubordination ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Quarreling insubordination `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi al-Zahir Tatar
0824-08-26 Supporting military campaign ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Jaqmaq al-ʾArghūn Shāwī Supporting military campaign `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi Jaqmaq al-`Arghun Shawi
0824-08-26 Quarreling insubordination Jaqmaq al-ʾArghūn Shāwī al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Quarreling insubordination Jaqmaq al-`Arghun Shawi al-Zahir Tatar
0824-08-26 Arriving ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qirmishī Arriving `Altunbugha al-Qirmishi
0843-04-26 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0847-12-02 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-Zahir Jaqmaq Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur

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