Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 6: 517, 19 - 519, 10

6: 517, 19 - 519, 10
قلت ولعل الصواب في حق الملك الظاهر ططر بخلاف ما قاله المقريزي مما سنذكره مع عدم التعصب له فإنه كان يغض من الوالد كونه قبض على بعض أقاربه وخشداشيته بأمر الملك كان ططر ملكًا عظيمًا جليلًا عالي كريمًا عالي الهمة جيد الحدس حسن التدبير سيوسًا‏.‏توثب على الأمور مع من كان أكبر منه قدرًا وسنًا ومع عظم شوكة المماليك المؤيدية شيخ وقوة بأسهم مع فقر كان به وإملاق‏.‏فلا زال يحسن سياسته ويدبر أموره ويخادع أعداءه إلى أن استفحل أمره وثبت قدمه وأقلب دولة بدولة غيرها في أيسر مدة وأهون طريقة‏.كان تارة يملق هذا وتارة يغدق على هذا وتارة يقرب هذا ويظهره على أسراره الخفية كل ذلك وهو في إصلاح شأنه في الباطن مع من لا يقربه في الظاهرة فكان حاله مع من يخافه كالطبيب الحافق الذي يلاطف عدة مرضى قد اختلف داؤهم فينظر كل واحد ممن يخشى شره فإن كان شهمًا رقاه إلى المراتب العلية وأوعده بأضعاف ذلك وإن كان طماعًا أبذل إليه الأموال وأشبعه حتى إنه دفع لبعض المماليك المؤيدية الأجناد في دفعات متفرقة في مدة يسيرة نحو عشرة آلاف دينار وإن كان شهمًا رغبته الأمر والنهي ولاه أعظم الوظائف كما فعل بالأمير علي باي المؤيدي والأمير تغري بردي المؤيدي المعروف بأخي قصروه ولى كلا منهما أجل وظيفة بديار مصر فأقر علي باي في الدوادارية الكبرى دفعة واحدة من إمرة عشرة وأقر تغري بردي في الأمير آخورية الكبرى دفعة واحدة ومع هذا لم يتجن عليهما أبدًا بل صار معهما فيما أراداه يعطي من أحبا ويمنع من أبغضا حتى إن تغري بردي المذكور وسط الأمير راشد بن أحمد ابن بقر خارج باب النصر ظلمًا لما كان في نفسه منه فلم يسأله ططر عن ذنبه كل ذلك لكثرة دهائه وعظيم احتماله ولم يكن فعله هذا مع علي باي وتغري بردي فقط بل مع غالب أشرار المؤيدية.هذا وهو يقرب خشداشيته الظاهرية برقوق واحدًا بعد واحد يقصد بذلك تقوية أمره في الباطن فأطلق مثل جانبك الصوفي ومثل بيبغا المظفري ومثل قجق العيساوي‏.كل ذلك وهو مستمر في بذل الأموال والإقطاعات لمن تقدم ذكرهم حتى إنه كلمه بعض أصحابه سرًا بعد عوده من دمشق فيما أتلفه من الأموال فقال‏:‏ يا فلان أتظن أن الذي فرقته راح من حاصلي جميعه في قبضتي أسترجعه في أيسر مدة إلا ما أعطيته للفقهاء والصلحاء فمن يكن فيه طيش وخفة لا يطيق هذا الصبر ولو تلفت روحه‏.وكان مقدامًا جريئًا على الأمور بعدما يحسب عواقبها شهمًا يحب التجمل كانت مماليكه أيام إمرته مع فاقته أجل من جميع مماليك رفقته من الأمراء فيهم الناصرية والجمكية والنوروزية وغيرهم‏.‏
I say: Maybe the correct judgment in regard to al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar is different from that what al-Maqrīzī says, because of what we shall mention without any partiality for him, as he defamed my father because he arrested one of his relatives and khushdāsh at the order of al-malik (al-Nāṣir Faraj during his third appointment in Damascus), but the truth must be told whatever the circumstances were. Ṭaṭar was a great and eminent ruler, generous, ambitious, discerning, efficient and politic, he grasped for the rule despite those who were older and more powerful than him and despite the great power and courage of the Muʾayyadī mamluks and his own poverty and destitution. He continued to improve his politics, arrange his affairs and beguile his enemies until his position became strong and his foot firmly placed. He changed one government for another in the shortest and easiest way. Sometimes he would flatter this one, sometimes give lavishly to that one, and sometimes confide in another, revealing to him his deepest secrets. All this while secretly improving his own situation with those to whom he did not openly show favour. His way of dealing with somebody he feared was like that of an expert doctor who treats a number of patients with different diseases: so he would examine each one from whom he feared trouble. If he was proud, he would raise him to high positions and promise him the double of this. If he was avaricious, he would give him money and satisfy him. For instance, he paid to some of the Muʾayyadī mamluks, just soldiers, on various occasions within a short period of time, more or less 10000 dinar. If he was proud and wanted power, he appointed him in the highest offices, as he did with amir ʿAlī Bāy al-Muʾayyadī and amir Taghrī Birdī al-Muʾayyadī, known as ʾAkhū Qaṣrūh, whom he appointed in the highest positions of Egypt. He made ʿAlī Bāy dawādār kabīr, in one jump, from an amirate of 10 and he made Taghrī Birdī ʾamīr ʾākhūr kabīr, in one jump also. Moreover, he never found fault in them, agreed with them in whatever they desired, giving to those they loved and withholding from those they hate. Taghrī Birdī even cut in two amir Rāshid b. ʾAḥmad b. Baqr outside the Bāb al-Naṣr, tyrannically , out of rancor, and Ṭaṭar did not ask what his crime was. All of this because of his shrewdness and great patience. He did this not only with ʿAlī Bāy and Taghrī Birdī but with most of the Muʾayyadī troublemakers. At the same time he brought his khushdāsh among the Ẓāhirī closer to him, one after another, secretly purposing to strengthen his position and he manumitted some of them, such as Jānibak al-Ṣūfī, Baybughā al-Muẓaffarī, and Qujaq al-ʿĪsāwī. In the meanwhile he was continuously giving money and ʾiqṭāʿs to those mentioned before, so that after his return from Damascus, one of his friends secretly spoke with him about the money he wasted, and he said: “So -and-so, do you think that what I distributed is lost to my possession? It is all in my grasp, and I shall recover in the shortest time what I gave away to anyone except to the fuqahāʾ and to the pious. Now one in whom there is irresoluteness and light-mindedness could not attain such patience even though he lost his life. In fact, he was brave and courageous in matters after he had calculated their results, and he was clever. He loved display, when he was only an amir, despite his destitution, his mamluks were more imposing than the mamluks of his fellow amirs, including the Nāṣirī’s, the Jakamī’s, the Nawrūzī’s and others.
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Practice (18)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0815-08-01 Quarreling other al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Quarreling other al-Zahir Tatar Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0815-08-01 Ordering arrest al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ordering arrest al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0815-08-01 Arresting seizing Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī unknown Arresting seizing Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi unknown
0815-08-01 Khushdāshīya general unknown al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Khushdashiya general unknown al-Zahir Tatar
0824-01-16 Appointing ʾamīr ʾākhūr kabīr (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Taghrī Birdī al-Muʾayyadī Appointing `amir `akhur kabir (sultan) al-Zahir Tatar Taghri Birdi al-Mu`ayyadi
0824-01-16 Appointing dawādār kabīr (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar ʿAlī Bāy al-Muʾayyadī al-Dawādār Appointing dawadar kabir (sultan) al-Zahir Tatar 'Ali Bay al-Mu`ayyadi al-Dawadar
0824-04-14 Punishing execution Taghrī Birdī al-Muʾayyadī Rashīd b. ʾAḥmad Punishing execution Taghri Birdi al-Mu`ayyadi Rashid b. `Ahmad
0824-04-14 Ritual public punishment Taghrī Birdī al-Muʾayyadī Rashīd b. ʾAḥmad Ritual public punishment Taghri Birdi al-Mu`ayyadi Rashid b. `Ahmad
0824-12-04 Direct benefit money al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Baybughā al-Muẓaffarī Direct benefit money al-Zahir Tatar Baybugha al-Muzaffari
0824-12-04 Khushdāshīya exploiting al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Baybughā al-Muẓaffarī Khushdashiya exploiting al-Zahir Tatar Baybugha al-Muzaffari
0824-12-04 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Qujaq al-ʿĪsāwī Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Tatar Qujaq al-'Isawi
0824-12-04 Direct benefit money al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar al-Muʾayyadīya Direct benefit money al-Zahir Tatar al-Mu`ayyadiya
0824-12-04 Khushdāshīya exploiting al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Qujaq al-ʿĪsāwī Khushdashiya exploiting al-Zahir Tatar Qujaq al-'Isawi
0824-12-04 Direct benefit money al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Qujaq al-ʿĪsāwī Direct benefit money al-Zahir Tatar Qujaq al-'Isawi
0824-12-04 Khushdāshīya exploiting al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Khushdashiya exploiting al-Zahir Tatar Janibak al-Sufi
0824-12-04 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Baybughā al-Muẓaffarī Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Tatar Baybugha al-Muzaffari
0824-12-04 Direct benefit money al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Direct benefit money al-Zahir Tatar Janibak al-Sufi
0824-12-04 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Tatar Janibak al-Sufi

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