Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 792, 11 - 793, 10 (T)

7: 792, 11 - 793, 10 (T)
و توفى شيخ الاسلام قاضى القضاة علم الدين صالح بن شيخ الاسلام سراج الدين عمر بن رسلان بن نصير
البلقينى الكنانى الشافعى قاضى قضاة الديار المصرية و عالمها فى يوم الاربعاء وقت الزوال خامس شهر رجب
بعد ان مرض نحو عشرة ايام و دفن من الغد بمدرسة والده تجاه داره بحارة بهاء الدين بعد ان صلى عليه
بالجامع الحاكمى و توجهوا بجنازته من طريق الجملون العتيق و دخلوا بها من باب الجماع الذى بالشارع عند باب
النصر و عادوا بنعشه من الباب الذى بالقرب من باب الفتوح و اعيد الى مدفنه و كانت جنازته مشهودة الى الغاية
و مات و سنه سبع و سبعون سنة لان مولده عبد عشاء ليلة الاثنين ثالث عشر جمادى الاولى سنة احدى و تسعين
و سبعمائة و هو من جملة الفقهاء الذين قرأت عليهم القرأن فى صغرى لان اختى كانت تحت اخيه قاضى القضاة
جلال الدين البلقينى فكنا بهذا المقتضى كشىء واحد و كان اماما عالما فقيها درس و افتى سنينا كثيرة و ناب فى
الحكم عن اخيه جلال الدين المذكور ثم ولى القضاء بعد ذلك غير مرة و طالت ايامه فى المنصب و انتهت اليه رئاسة
مذهبه فى زمانه و قد استوعبنا حاله فى عدة مواضع من مصنفاتنا ليس لذكرها فى هذا المختصر محل و فى شهرته
ما يغنى عن الاطناب فى ذكره هنا رحمه الله تعالى و رضى عنه
On Wednesday 05/07/0868, at the time of sunset, shaykh al-ʾislām qadi l-qudat ʿAlam al-Dīn Ṣāliḥ, son of shaykh al-ʾislām Sirāj al-Dīn ʿUmar b. Raslān b. Naṣīr al-Bulqīnī al-Kinānī al-Shāfiʿī, the qadi l-qudat in the Egyptian domains and its ʿālim, passed away, having been ill for some 10 days. He was buried the following day in the madrasa of his father, opposite his house, in the Bahāʾ al-Dīn Street, after being prayed over at the Ḥākimī Mosque. His corpse had been carried through the Old Jamalūn Street, had been brought inside by way of the gate of the mosque, which opens onto the street near to the Bāb al-Nāṣr, and had been returned by way of the gate close to the Bāb al-Futūḥ and to his burial place. His funeral procession was very well attended. He died at the age of 77, as he was born after the Evening Prayer of Monday 13/05/791. He was one of the faqīhs under whom I read the Koran in my youth, for my sister was married to his brother, the qadi l-qudat Jalāl al-Dīn a-Bulqīnī. Given this, we were very close (litt. ‘we were as one thing’). He was a wise ʾimām, a faqīh who taught and issues fatwas for many years. He was a nāʾb ḥukm for his brother, the aforementioned Jalāl al-Dīn. Later, he was a qadi more than once. He held that manṣab for many years, and he attained the leadership of his madhhad in his time. We have dealt with his life exhaustively on a number of places in our writings, for the repetition of which this summary has no place. Given his reputation, a protracted account of him is unnecessary here. God have mercy upon him and be pleased with him!
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Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0868-07-06 Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown ʿAlam al-Dīn Ṣāliḥ al-Bulqīnī Ritual Islamic ceremony unknown 'Alam al-Din Salih al-Bulqini

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