Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 578, 5 - 12 (T)

7: 578, 5 - 12 (T)
فيها توفى الامير سيف الدين مغلباى بن عبد الله الشهابى احد امراء العشرات بطالا بالقاهرة فى ليلة الخميس عاشر
المحرم و كان اصله من مماليك الشهابى احمد بن جمال الدين الاستادار ثم اعتقه الملك النصر فرج ثم صار خاصكيا فى
الدولة الاشرفية برسباى ثم تأمر فى دولة الملك الظاهر جقمق و صار من حزب ولده الملك المنصور فى الفتنة مع الاشرف
اينال فاخرج اينال اقطاعه بهذا المقتضى و دام بطالا الى ان مات و كان عاقلا ساكنا لا بأس به رحمه الله
Amir Sayf al-Dīn Mughulbāy b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Shihābī, an amir 10, passed away as a baṭṭāl in Cairo on Thursday night, 10/01/0859. He was originally a mamluk of al-Shihābī ʾAḥmad b. Jamāl al-Dīn al-ʾUstādār. He was then manumitted by al-Malik al-Nāṣir Faraj. Following, he became a khāṣṣakī during the reign of al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy. He was then promoted amir during the reign of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq. He joined the ḥizb of his son, al-Malik al-Manṣūr, during the fight with al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl. ʾĪnāl then removed his ʾiqṭāʿ for this reason. He remained a baṭṭāl until he died. he was wise and peaceful, and without fault. God have mercy upon him!
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