Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 609, 16 - 610, 5 (T)

7: 609, 16 - 610, 5 (T)
و توفى الحاج خليل المدعو قانى باى اليوسفى المهمندار محتسب القاهرة بها فى عشرين شوال و هو مناهز السبعين
و كان اصله من مماليك قرا يوسف بن قرا محمد صاحب بغداد على ما زعم ثم قدم القاهرة فى دولة الاشرف برسباى
و سأله الاشرف عن اصله و جنسه فقال انا من مماليك قرا يوسف جنسى جاركسى و اسمى الاصلى قانى باى فمشى
ما قاله على الاشرف لضعف نفذه و عدم معرفته و سماه قانى باى اليوسفى و جعله خاصكيا ثم امتحن بعد موت
الاشرف برسباى و حبس الى ان عاد الى رتبته فى الدولة الاشرفية اينال وجعله مهمندارا ثم محتسبا الى ان مات
Al-Ḥājj Khalīl, called (madʿūw) Qānī Bāy al-Yūsufī, the mihmāndār and muḥtasib of Cairo, passed away in Cairo on 20/10/0862, aged almost 60. He was originally a mamluk of Qarā Yūsuf, the son of Qarā Muḥammad, the lord of Baghdad, it has been surmised. Then he came to Cairo, during the reign of al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy, who questioned him concerning his origin and his race. He replied, ‘I am one of the mamluks of Qarā Yūsuf, and I am of Circassian stock. My original name is Qānī Bāy.’ What he said deceived al-ʾAshraf, because of the latter’s weak discernment and little knowledge. Hence, al-ʾAshraf named him Qānī Bāy al-Yūsufī and made him a khāṣṣakī. Later, following the death of al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy, he underwent trials and was imprisoned, until he could return to his rank during the reign of al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl, who appointed him as mihmāndār and then as muḥtasib, which position he held until he died.
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