al-Maqrīzī, Sulūk 4: 374, 9-12

4: 374, 9-12
فيه قدمت خديجة خاتون - زوجة الأمير ناصر الدين محمد بن دلغادر - من أبلستين في طلب ولدها.
وكان قد عوقه السلطان عنده من مدة طويلة، فأكرمها السلطان، وأنزلها، وجمع بينها وبين ابنها، وكان قد قبض عليه بعد فتنة الأمير قانباي، وحمله إلى قلعة الجبل، وأجرى عليها ما يليق بها.
819 AH, Dhū al-Ḥijja:
Khadīja Khātūn-the wife of amir Nāṣir al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Dulghādir- arrived from Albistān on demand of her son, who had been arrested by the sultan a long time ago. The sultan honoured her and gave her a place to stay and organised a encounter between her and her son. He had been arrested during the rebellion of amir Qānibāy and had been brought to the citadel. The appropriate things were bestowed to her.
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