Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 551, 12 - 552, 6

7: 551, 12 - 552, 6
و فى يوم الجمعة سلخ المحرم وصل الى القاهرة جماعة من الغزاة و اخبروا ان العساكر الاسلامية
باجمعها خرجوا من جزيرة قبرس فى يوم الجمةع ثالث عشرين المحرم و ساروا على ظهر البحر الملح
يريدون السواحل الاسلامية فهبت عليهم ريح عظيمة شتت شملهم و توجهوا الى عدة جهات بغير ارادة
و كانت مركب هاؤلاء وصلت الى ساحل الطينة و اخبروا ايضا بموت الامير سودون قراقاش حاجب
الحجاب ثم وصل من الغد بردبك عرب الاشرفى الخاصكى و اخبر بنحو ما اخبر به هاؤلاء المماليك
ا اعلم السلطان ايضا ان الامير يونس الدوادار ترك بجزيرة قبرس جماعة من المماليك السلطانية
و مماليك الامراء قوة لجاكم صاحب قبرس و جعل مقدمهم جانبك الابلق الظاهرى الخاصكى و ان
جماعة كبيرة توفى الى رحمة الله تعالى من عظم الوخم
On Friday 30, a group of the ghazā arrived in Cairo, and they told that the whole of the Islamic troops had left the island of Cyprus on Friday 23/01, and had gone over the surface of the Mediterranean, aiming for the Islamic shores.
A strong wind had blown against them and had dispersed them. Hence, they had unvoluntarily moved into several directions.
The ship of these (men arriving) had reached the coast of al-Ṭīna.
They also gave news of the death of amir Sūdūn Qarāqāsh, the ḥājib ḥujjāb.
Then the following day Bardbak ʿArab al-ʾAshrafī al-Khāṣṣakī arrived, and he told pretty much the same as the mamālīk (who had arrived the day before).
He also told the sultan that amir Yūnus the dawādār had left a group of mamālīk sulṭānīya and mamālīk al-ʾumarāʾ on the island of Cyprus, as support for Jākumu, the lord of Cyprus, that he had made Jānibak al-ʾAblaq al-Ẓāhirī al-Khāṣṣakī their muqaddam, and that a large group had died due to the huge squalor.
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