Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 378, 3-7

5: 378, 3-7
وفي أثناء شهر رجب المذكور استبدل السلطان خان الزكاة من ذرية الملك الناصر محمد بن قلاوون بقطعة أرض وأمر بهدمه وعمارة مدرسة مكانه وأقام السلطان على عمارتها الأمير جاركس الخليلي أمير آخور فابتدأ بهدمه وشرع في عمارة المدرسة المعروفة بالبرقوقية بين القصرين‏.‏

786 AH, rajab
In rajab 786, the sultan bought the Khān Zukāt from the heirs of al-malik al-Nāṣir Muḥammad ibn Qalāwun in exchange for a land. He destroyed it, and replaced it by a madrasa. The sultan appoints amir Jārkas al-Khalῑlῑ, amir of the stable, as responsible for the construction. He began destroying it and building the madrasa known as al-Barqūqiyya between the two palaces
Related properties

Actors (1)

Practice (1)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0786-07-01 Construction religious al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Jarkas al-Khalīlī Construction religious al-Zahir Barquq Jarkas al-Khalili

Institutions (2)

Institution (via institution properties) Extra
ʾamīr ʾākhūr kabīr (sulṭān) `amir `akhur kabir (sultan)
Institution (via actor properties) Extra
ʾamīr ʾākhūr kabīr (sulṭān) `amir `akhur kabir (sultan)

Places (1)
