Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 463, 6-22

5: 463, 6-22
هذا وقد أخذ أمر الناصري في إدبار وتوجه جماعة كبيرة من أصحابه إلى منطاش فلما رأى الناصري عسكره في قلة وقد نفر عنه غالب أصحابه بعث بالخليفة المتوكل على الله إلى منطاش يسأله في الصلح وإخماد الفتنة فنزل الخليفة إليه وكلمه في ذلك فقال له منطاش‏:‏ أنا في طاعة السلطان وهو أستاذي وابن أستاذي والأمراء إخوتي وما غريمي إلا الناصري لأنه حلف لي وأنا بسيواس ثم بحلب ودمشق أيضًا بأننا نكون شيئًا واحدًا وأن السلطان يحكم في مملكته بما شاء فلما حصل لنا النصر وصار هو أتابك العساكر استبد بالأمر ومنع السلطان من التحكم وحجر عليه وقرب خشداشيته اليلبغاوية وأبعدني أنا وخشداشيتي الأشرفية ثم ما كفاه ذلك حتى بعثني لقتال الفلاحين‏.‏

وكان الناصري أرسله من جملة الأمراء إلى جهة الشرقية لقتال العربان لما عظم فساد فلاحيها‏.‏

ثم قال منطاش‏:‏ ولم يعطني الناصري شيئًا من المال سوى مائة ألف درهم وأخذ لنفسه أحسن الإقطاعات وأعطاني أضعفها والإقطاع الذي قرره لي يعمل في السنة ستمائة ألف درهم والله ما أرجع عنه حتى أقتله أو يقتلني ويتسلطن ويستبد بالأمر وحلى من غير شريك‏.‏

فأخذ الخليفة يلاطفه فلم يرجع له وقام الخليفة من عنده وهو مصمم على مقالته وطلع إلى الناصري وأعاد عليه الجواب‏.‏

791 AH, 17/08
In the meanwhile al-Nāṣirī’s amirs were retreating, and an additional large number of his followers went over to Minṭāsh. When al-Nāṣirī saw that his soldiers were now few in number and that most of his followers had deserted him, he sent the caliph al-Mutawakkil ʿalā Allāh to Minṭāsh to sue for peace (al-ṣulḥ) and cessation of the strife (al-fitna).
When the caliph went down to Minṭāsh and addressed him on the subject, Minṭāsh replied: “I am loyal to the sultan; he is my master and the son of my master, and the amirs are my brothers. My only enemy is al-Nāṣirī, who swore to me when I was in Sīwās, and again in Aleppo and Damascus, that we two should act as one, and that the sultan should rule his kingdom as he wished. Then when victory came to us and al-Nāṣirī became ʾatābak al-ʿasākir, he arrogated all power to himself, put the sultan under restraint, prevented him from exercising his authority, and favored his own comrades the Yalbughāwīya while he alienated me and my comrades the ʾAshrafīya; then, not satisfied with this, he sent me fight the peasants [Popper corrects: the Arabs] (al-Nāṣirī had sent him among a number of amirs to the Eastern Province to fight the Arabs when the peasants there had suffered severely from depredations). Minṭāsh continued: “Moreover, al-Nāṣirī gave me only a hundred thousand dirhams; he also took for himself the best fiefs, and gave me the poorest, for the one that he settled upon me yields annually only 600,000 dirhams. By God, I shall not desist until either I kill him, or he kills me and becomes sultan with sole and entire authority, without anyone to share it.” The caliph attempted to appease him, but he would not retract, and when the caliph left he was still repeating what he had said before.
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Practice (12)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0791-08-17 Interceding (broker) other al-Mutawakkil ʿalā Allāh Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Interceding (broker) other al-Mutawakkil 'ala Allah Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-08-17 Quarreling denial of request Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Quarreling denial of request Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0791-08-17 Negative communication threatening Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Negative communication threatening Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0791-08-17 Ritual obedience Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh al-Malik al-Manṣūr Ḥājjī Ritual obedience Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash al-Malik al-Mansur Hajji
0791-08-17 Interceding (client) other Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-Mutawakkil ʿalā Allāh Interceding (client) other Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-Mutawakkil 'ala Allah
0791-08-17 Quarreling displaying unhappiness Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-ʾAshrafīya (Shaʿbān) Quarreling displaying unhappiness Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-`Ashrafiya (Sha'ban)
0791-08-17 Direct benefit UNKWN Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-Yalbughāwīya (Yalbughā al-ʿUmarī) Direct benefit UNKWN Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-Yalbughawiya (Yalbugha al-'Umari)
0791-08-17 Ordering mission Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-Mutawakkil ʿalā Allāh Ordering mission Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-Mutawakkil 'ala Allah
0791-08-17 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Regular income `iqta' Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-08-17 Quarreling denial of request Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Quarreling denial of request Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-08-17 Ordering military campaign Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Ordering military campaign Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-08-17 Deserting Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī ʾumarāʾ Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Deserting Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki `umara` Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash

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