Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 485, 6-16

5: 485, 6-16
إلى أن قدم إلى صفد خبر الملك الظاهر برقوق، وخروجه من حبس الكرك، جمع النظامي عسكر صفد ليتوجه بهم إلى نائب دمشق نجدة على الظاهر وأبقى يلبغا السالمي بالمدينة، فقام يلبغا السالمي في طائفة من المماليك الذين استمالهم، وأفرج عن الأمير إينال اليوسفي نائب حلب كان، وعن الأمير قجماس ابن عم السلطان الملك الظاهر برقوق، ونحو المائتين من المماليك الظاهرية من سجن صفد، ونادى بشعار الملك الظاهر برقوق، وأراد القبض على الأمير قطلوبك النظامي فلم يثبت النظامي، وفر في مملوكين، فاستولى السالمي ومن معه على مدينة صفد وقلعتها، وصار الأمير إينال اليوسفي هو القائم بمدينة صفد، والسالمي في خدمته، وأرسلوا إلى الملك الظاهر بذلك. وكان هذا الخبر من أعظم الأمور على منطاش، وزاد قلقه، وكثرت مقالة الناس في أمر الملك الظاهر، ثم تواترت الأخبار بأمر الملك الظاهر.
791 AH, before 15/10
When finally the news of al-malik al-Ẓāhir’s departure from the prison of al-Karak had reached Ṣafad, al-Niẓāmī, gathering the armies of that city in order to lead them to the governor of Damascus as reinforcements against al-Ẓāhir, had left Yalbughā al-Sālimī in Ṣafad. The latter had now led a group of mamlūks whom he had won over, had released from the prison of Ṣafad amir ʾĪnāl al-Yūsufī, former governor of Aleppo, and Qajmās, nephew of al-malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq, together with about two hundred mamlūks ẓāhirīya, and proclaiming his adherence to the cause of al-Ẓāhir (nādā bi-shiʿār al-malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq) had planned to seize amir Quṭlūbak al-Niẓāmī, the governor. Though the latter had not waited long enough for him to do so but had escaped with two mamlūks, al-Sālimī with his followers had taken possession both of the city and of the citadel of Ṣafad. ʾĪnāl al-Yūsufī had then taken over control of the city, with al-Sālimī in service under him; and they had notified al-Ẓāhir of what had taken place. This report was one that weighed most seriously on Minṭāsh when it reached him; he was in great trepidation, while al-Ẓāhir’s progress was the subject of conversation everywhere.
Related properties

Practice (11)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0791-11-15 Informing fitna ʾĪnāl al-Yūsufī al-ʾAtābak al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Informing fitna `Inal al-Yusufi al-`Atabak al-Zahir Barquq
0791-11-15 Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-11-15 Negative communication rumors unknown unknown Negative communication rumors unknown unknown
0791-11-15 Quarreling insubordination Yalbughā al-Sālimī Quṭlūbak al-Niẓāmī Quarreling insubordination Yalbugha al-Salimi Qutlubak al-Nizami
0791-11-15 Quarreling other Yalbughā al-Sālimī Quṭlūbak al-Niẓāmī Quarreling other Yalbugha al-Salimi Qutlubak al-Nizami
0791-11-15 Serving khdm Yalbughā al-Sālimī ʾĪnāl al-Yūsufī al-ʾAtābak Serving khdm Yalbugha al-Salimi `Inal al-Yusufi al-`Atabak
0791-11-15 Direct benefit change of sentence Yalbughā al-Sālimī Qujmās al-Muḥammadī al-Jarkasī Direct benefit change of sentence Yalbugha al-Salimi Qujmas al-Muhammadi al-Jarkasi
0791-11-15 Direct benefit change of sentence Yalbughā al-Sālimī ʾĪnāl al-Yūsufī al-ʾAtābak Direct benefit change of sentence Yalbugha al-Salimi `Inal al-Yusufi al-`Atabak
0791-11-15 Direct benefit change of sentence Yalbughā al-Sālimī mamālīk ẓāhirīya (Barqūq) Direct benefit change of sentence Yalbugha al-Salimi mamalik zahiriya (Barquq)
0791-11-15 Presenting other Yalbughā al-Sālimī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Presenting other Yalbugha al-Salimi al-Zahir Barquq
0791-11-15 Fleeing Quṭlūbak al-Niẓāmī Fleeing Qutlubak al-Nizami

Institutions (1)

Institution (via actor properties) Extra
nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) na`ib (Halab/Aleppo)

Places (1)
