Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 6: 443, 21 - 444, 6

6: 443, 21 - 444, 6
وقتل معه جماعة من أعيان الأمراء حسبما نذكرهم أولًا بأول‏. وفيها قتل من أصحاب نوروز الأمير سيف الدين يشبك بن أزدمر الظاهري رأس نوبة النوب ثم نائب حلب وكان ممن انضم مع نوروز بعد وفاة الوالد فإن الوالد كان أخذه عنده بدمشق لما ولي نيابتها وجعله الملك الناصر أتابكًا بها وعقد الوالد عقده على ابنته وسنها نحو أربع سنين لئلا يصل إليه من الملك الناصر سوء‏.‏ ودام يشبك مع نوروز إلى أن قبض عليه وقتل بدمشق حسبما تقدم ذكره‏.‏ وكان رأسًا في الشجاعة والإقدام شديد القوة في الرمي بالنشاب إليه المنتهى فيه‏.‏
Obituaries of 817:
A group of eminent amirs where killed with him. We will mention them one by one.
Among the companions of Nawrūz who were killed was amir Sayf al-Dīn Yashbak b. ʾAzdamur al-Ẓāhirī, the raʾs nawbat al-nuwab, then nāʾib of Aleppo. He was one of those who joined Nawrūz after the death of my father, because my father had taken him into his home while he was nāʾib of Damascus. When al-Nāṣir appointed him ʾatābak of Damascus, my father gave him his daughter in marriage, when she was about four years old, so that no harm would happen to him from al-Malik al-Nāṣir. Yashbak stayed with Nawrūz until he was captured and killed in Damascus, as we already mentioned. He was very brave and courageous, powerful to an extreme degree as archer.
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Practice (7)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0815-01-16 Direct benefit protection Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Yashbak b.ʾUzdamur Direct benefit protection Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Yashbak b.`Uzdamur
0815-01-16 Serving other Yashbak b.ʾUzdamur Nawrūz al-Ḥāfiẓī Serving other Yashbak b.`Uzdamur Nawruz al-Hafizi
0815-01-16 Marrying marrying Yashbak b.ʾUzdamur Bint Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Marrying marrying Yashbak b.`Uzdamur Bint Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0815-01-16 Dying Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Dying Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0815-01-16 Appointing ʾatābak ʿasākir (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Yashbak b.ʾUzdamur Appointing `atabak 'asakir (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Yashbak b.`Uzdamur
0815-01-16 Giving in marriage Bint Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Yashbak b.ʾUzdamur Giving in marriage Bint Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Yashbak b.`Uzdamur
0817-04-21 Assassinating non-battle unknown Yashbak b.ʾUzdamur Assassinating non-battle unknown Yashbak b.`Uzdamur

Places (4)