Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 5: 524, 22 - 525, 8

5: 524, 22 - 525, 8
وفي سابع عشر جمادى الآخرة قدم البريد بأن منطاشاً لما بلغه قدوم العساكر لقتاله برز من دمشق وأقام بقبة يلبغا أياماً، ثم رحل نصف ليلة الأحد ثالث عشر جمادى الآخرة بخواصة، وهم نحو ستمائة فارس، ومعه نحو سبعين حملاً ما بين ذهب وفضة، وتوجه نحو قارا والنبك بعد أن قتل جماعة من المماليك الظاهرية وقتل الأمير ناصر الدين محمد بن المهمندار نائب حماة كان، وأن الأمير الكبير أيتمش خرج من سجنه بقلعة دمشق، وأفرج عمن كان محبوساً بها، وملك القلعة وأرسل إلى النواب يعلمهم بذلك، فلما سمع النواب ذلك ساروا إلى دمشق وملكوها من غير قتال، فسر السلطان بذلك سروراً عظيماً، ودقت البشائر، ونودي بالقاهرة ومصر بالزينة
792 AH, 17/06
II jumādā 17. The post brought a report that Minṭāsh, on learning that the Egyptian armies were coming to make war upon him, had gone out from Damascus and halted at Qubbat Yalbughā. He had then at midnight before Sunday, II Jumādā 13, set out with his intimate followers (khawāṣṣ), numbering about 600 horsemen, and taking with him about 70 sacks of silver and gold had gone toward Qārā and al-Nabk. Before leaving Damascus he had killed a number of the mamlūks ẓāhirīya, as well as amir Nāṣir al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Mihmandār, governor of Ḥamā.
The report stated also that Great Amir ʾAytamish had escaped from prison in the citadel of Damascus, had set free those imprisoned there and had taken possession of the citadel; that he had sent to the Syrian governors to inform them of this fact, and that they had thereupon gone to Damascus and taken the city without any combat. The Sultan was made happy by this report; the drums were sounded, and by a proclamation Cairo and Miṣr were ordered to be decorated.
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