Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 837, 5 - 16

7: 837, 5 - 16
فلما اصبحوا يوم الخميس خامس جمادى الاولى اعلن الامير يشبك الفقيه و لبسوا آلة الحرب و ركب
بمن معه من المؤيدية و الاشرفية الكبار و الاشرفية الصغار و السيفية و لبسوا آلة الحرب و اجتمع
عليهم خلائق من كل طائفة و مالت زعر الديار المصرية اليهم و بلغ من بالقلعة امرهم فخافوهم خوفا
شديدا و لبسوا هم ايضا آلة الحرب و نزلوا بالسلطان الملك الظاهر يلباى الى مقعد الاسطبل السلطانى
المطل على الرملة و شرعوا فى قتال الامير يشبك بمن معه فى الازقة و الشوارع بلاصليبة و هم لا
يعلمون حقيقة امر يشبك و لم يقع بين الاجلاب و الظاهرية الاتفاق المذكور الى الآن فان الاتفاق بما
ذكرناه لم يقع بين الاجلاب و الظاهرية بالقلعة الا فى آخر يوم الخميس و كذلك الاحتراز على السلطان
لم يقع الا فى آخر يوم الخميس و اما اول نهار الخميس ما كانت القلعيون الا كالحيارى
The following day, Thursday 5, amir Yashbak al-Faqīh announced (the revolt), armed himself, and mounted, together with those in his company of the Muʾayyadīya, the ʾAshrafīya kibār, the ʾAshrafīya ṣighār and the Sayfīya. They all armed themselves, and were joined by large numbers of each ṭāʾifa, as well as the mobs of Cairo.
Those in the citadel heard about them, and feared them a great deal. They too armed themselves and descended with al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Yilbāy to the maqʿad of the ʾIsṭabl Sulṭānī, which overlooked the Ramla. They then started fighting amir Yashbak, together with those in his company, in the streets and roads of al-Ṣalība, though they didn’t know the truth about Yashbak, and until now the agreement between the julbān and the Ẓāhirīya had not been effective, for the agreement between the julbān and the Ẓāhirīya to do what we have mentioned had not been made in the citadel until the end of Thursday. Also the iḥtirāz (?) over the sultan didn’t take place until the end of Thursday. At the beginning of Thursday, the qalʿīyūn had been stupified.
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Practice (17)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0872-05-01 Promising direct benefits other al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Yashbak al-Faqīh Promising direct benefits other al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-05 Supporting other al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Yashbak al-Faqīh Supporting other al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-05 Arresting capturing julbān al-Ẓāhir Yilbāy al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Arresting capturing julban al-Zahir Yilbay al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-05 Obeying other julbān al-Ẓāhir Yilbāy mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) Obeying other julban al-Zahir Yilbay mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya)
0872-05-05 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna al-ʾAshrafīya ʾĪnāl Battling street violence qal'iyuna al-`Ashrafiya `Inal
0872-05-05 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna al-Muʾayyadīya Battling street violence qal'iyuna al-Mu`ayyadiya
0872-05-05 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Battling street violence qal'iyuna al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0872-05-05 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna mamālīk sayfīya Battling street violence qal'iyuna mamalik sayfiya
0872-05-05 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna unknown Battling street violence qal'iyuna unknown
0872-05-05 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna Yashbak al-Faqīh Battling street violence qal'iyuna Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-05 Obeying other unknown Yashbak al-Faqīh Obeying other unknown Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-05 Preparing for battle al-ʾAshrafīya ʾĪnāl Preparing for battle al-`Ashrafiya `Inal
0872-05-05 Preparing for battle al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Preparing for battle al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0872-05-05 Preparing for battle al-Muʾayyadīya Preparing for battle al-Mu`ayyadiya
0872-05-05 Preparing for battle mamālīk sayfīya Preparing for battle mamalik sayfiya
0872-05-05 Preparing for battle qalʿīyūna Preparing for battle qal'iyuna
0872-05-05 Preparing for battle Yashbak al-Faqīh Preparing for battle Yashbak al-Faqih

Institutions (1)

Institution (via actor properties) Extra
mamālīk mamalik

Places (1)
